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Random swellings which can come up all over my body at different times. They go as quick as they come. Im a 48 year old male with no other health issues apart from a high blood pressure. I am on no medication. Have been suffering with these swellings for a year now. Any advice ?
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Oh my gosh, I am glad I accidentally found this site.  For the past 6-7 mos I have had slight swelling over my lip, nose and eyes from most foods.Some reactions are stronger then others.  In Feb when eating most foods, it felt like hives were developing on my feet but they did not look like hives. The past month, whenever I am on my feet, it feels like they are swelling, are heavy and sometimes it is hard to walk up stairs to bed, is better in the morning. The acupuncturist noticed swelling in my ankles and mentioned a kidney problem. It is not pain. I also have an elevated ANA titer, 1:1280, speckled and am anxiously awaiting my Rheumatology appt on August 9th. I have been to so many Dr's and not until today, when I saw an elderly former oncologist, who has been practicing internal medicine for the last 8 years, did anyone mention angioedema. Have been to 2 dermatologists in past 6 mos, no one mentioned angioedema.  I can only eat 9 foods without reacting, have lost about 20 pounds and am hungry all the time and so tired of the same dull foods. Has anyone experienced foot symptoms like this ? I took a pic to show the dermatologist the next time I go, sometimes feet get real red and shiny.  The allergist was no help, saw her 3 times, do have a few allergies, food and environmental. Claritin did nothing, could not tolerate the zyrtec or allegra, felt hung over have one of each. Thanks, welcome any feedback and if anyone is in the Seattle area, if they know of anyone who could help.


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I started about a year ago with what felt like a mosquito bite on my head.  It was an itchy bump.  Before I knew it I had lumps all over my head that eventually turned into swelling on my forehead, eyes, lips and ears.  Eventually it worked its way down my body and turned into hives.  The doctors say its an allergy but can't figure out what to.  Prednisone finally took the swelling away.  But recently it started again, but much milder than before and mainly swollen bumps on the forehead.  I thought it could be related to otc migrain medicine, but i haven't taken any in over a year because so scared of allergic reactions.  resorting to baby asprin to deal with migrains.  Any help???
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My acquaintance also have the same problem and it's first time i am hearing about such kind of disease. How it is called? So far I could not see any advice from this site. Does s.o. knows what can cure this?
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I have the same problems.  It started a year ago.  Ive been to several doctors and several medications.  The next they want to try is prednisone ?sp     Im extremely frustrated.
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I, too, have had the same problems and had a slew of tests from an allergist and found out that I am allergic to cedar trees and some grasses, but since he ran a full blood test and TH panel, he discovered I had Hashimoto's disease and believes the swellings are connected to it.

I had my first appointment with an endocrinologist and have recently started a treatment using Synthroid.

I recommend getting a full panel blood test to see if that can narrow it down for you. I'm still trying to find out why I keep having these random swellings and will continue to see doctors until I can find out. It's very annoying and sometimes the swellings can be embarrassing as I get them a lot on my face.

Good luck. Let me know if you find out anything and I will let you know if I do.
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Im having the same problem, it started 2 years ago when I went to my dad's house in colorado.  I havent been eating any different foods or anything but randomly things on my body will swell up, usually it's my lips.  but if I rub my eye just a tad bit, it would swell up till the point when I cant even open it anymore.  I would also get swellings on my shoulders, my hip, hands, arms, legs and especially on the bottom of my feet, I really dont kno wat it could be but everytime I visit a doctor they cant figure out wat it is they just say it could be allergies and I would really like to kno so this could end or if i can control it some kind of way. Mainly im just relieved to find other people out there like this because I felt alone really. Help me if u find a way to deal with it or find out what it may be.
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