647391 tn?1275016633

Swollen liips and hives

Starting on Wednesday, I experience a completely swollen bottom lip and half the top right of my lip.  Also, I had the hives chest, arms, and hands.  I have been in the past reactive to adhesives - including medical tape and bandaids.  Also, I can not take vicadin or darvicet for pain.  I ended up going to the ER Wednesday night and they gave me a Benedryl shot and sent me home.  Not sure what caused it. A possibility is Celebrex that I take on and off for inflamation, headache, or pain.  I had taken one Wednesday morning.  As told by the ER doctor, I took the Benedryl every six hours.  
Thursday, around the 5/5:30 time period, my lips started swelling again.  Because I had a play i wanted to go to I took a Benedryl and that held off the swelling and the intense itching on my hands. Around 11:30, when I was done with my activity, I decided to stop at the ER and have a checkover before I drove home a 1 1/2.  In this ER, the doctor gave me Benedryl and Predisone.  It helped with the swelling and discomfort.  The doctor wanted to watch me awhile and I wanted stay to take a nap before I drove.  During this time the other side of top lip began swelling and the intense itching hives reappeared.  This time I was given a eppi shot.
I have no idea why the increased reaction to what ever it is.  A local doctor here was surprised that no one did any blood work to help with figuring out the cause.
Not knowing the cause, could it  be a sign of something else medically wrong?  I know of someone who had really bad hives for a long time and it wasn't till breast cancer was discovered and she had the mastectomty did her rash go away.  The rash hasn't come back for her.
What suggestions do you have for diagnosing why the allergic reactions I am having.  Hives and now the swollen lips.  My mouth and tongue also burned.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Unexplained swelling of the lip without any predisposing disease is frequently caused by allergiesThis swelling of the lip is called angioedema. Symptoms include swelling of any body part which appears suddenly and comes and goes.

Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places.Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications.

Diagnosis of both is by clinical examination and complete blood tests and allergy tests.Treatment is by antihistaminics and steroids.

I sincerely advise you to consult an allergist and get allergy testing done to find out the allergens to which you are allergic.Once allergens are identified then their avoidance is the best treatment.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.Warm regards.

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Before spending a lot of money on Allergie testiing, I would suggest that you get a pH diagnostic test.  If your pH is out of balance it is very likely that you are not converting the nutrients you are consuming properly.  A large percentage of people in the 50 and up age groups, but not limited to these age groups, do not produce enough Hydrochloric acid in the first stage of digestion.  When this occurs unconvered Protein (raw Protein) will be dumped into the small bowel.  Under normal conditons the Gut will sterlize and break down the nutrients consumed, and Pepsin will cause the conversion of Protein into Proteoses and Peptones.  When you are not producing sufficient Hydrocholric Acid, Pepsin is not active in the conversion process.  All this means is raw protein, which contains Allergins are dumped into the Small bowel.  These allergins will cause many different allergic reactions.  The immune system is designed to attack paracites, bacteria, and viruses,  It was not designed to attack sterilized and converted nutrients we consume, but that is exactly what happens when raw protein is dumped into the Digestive tract. When the immune system is activated, antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are produced.  Antibodies in turn trigger an inflamatory response. which will cause incresed mucous production, swelling, skin rashes, irregular stools, etc.  There is a very inexpensive test that uses a micro electronic pH capsule that works very well, I know,I had one and it realy helped.  You might want to search on the internet for pH Capsule.
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I am going to ask my Dr. to test my PH..
I am going through a very similar situation as the other lady..Only this time I have a yeast infection with it..The swelling happens to me quite often..twice a month or more..I also have Hepatitus c, which I attributed this too..My lips swell first, then my fingers immediately..Then my entire face...I have some swollen tender glands on the right side of my neck also..I have bloodwork done every 3-6 months and the last couple of times my pottasium levels have either been too high or too low..I am scared because this happens so frequently..I usually end up in the ER to get a shot of benadryl...My esophagus is usually what sends me there..It swells and I can't stand the throat and chest pains I get..I will sleep sitting up tonight because of it...When all this happens I am totally drained of energy..I do not sleep well.Just dream weird dreams all night long..I am sooooo tired of being in pain and being tired..Today my entire body is swollen..I just want to lay in bed..Help me please..I have no insurance and I go to the Health Dept. for my labs.........................Thanks   sue-z-q
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Also, lately the bottoms of my feet will swell and it feels like I'm walking on golfballs.....
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