638665 tn?1223050298

Swollen lips, hair colour, any connection

Just found this site as I was trying to see if I could find some answers to my problem
Just over a week ago I coloured my hair, dark brown. I have been this colour for 10 months but used different products.
Since then I have swollen lips and dry sore looking. I didn't connect this with colouring I just thought it was the weather. But after having tried the usual lip  balm etc, my lips are still swollen. My hair is quite long and sometimes touches my face and I just wondered if it could possibly be the hair dye.
I have tried not to touch my hair then my mouth .
I have tied my hair back just to see if this makes any difference,  or am I worrying over nothing.

3 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

Swelling of the lip after coloring of hair is due to allergy to this product.It may have been due to angioedema.It is the rapid swelling (edema) of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, mucosa and submucosal tissues.

Avoid using this hair color in future and pls don’t allow hair to touch your face or lips.Keep them tied.Take some over the counter antihistaminic like benadryl or zyrtec(cetrizine).This will help in reducing the swelling.If symptoms persist then oral steroids may be needed for which prescription is needed.Pls consult a dermatologist in that case.

Hope it helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing if you have any additional queries.

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638665 tn?1223050298
Thank you  for the advice, I will follow your instructions and let you know.

My lips feel a little better this morning,  as I said I tied my hair back yesterday and slept with it tied back.

I will let you know how I go on.
Once again, thank you.

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638665 tn?1223050298

Just to say thanks for your advice. My lips have gone down, you can see which is lip and which is face, there is now a firm line.

My lips are very,very dry.

I have kept my hair up at all times, now, would you know by any chance if I could have my hair down, or should I just have it cut, and cut the colour out.

Unless I can find a colour remover.

I also realised that I bit my hair, when it came round my chin, so I must have been poisoning myself without knowing.

Hope you can help.
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