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Throat mucous, hard to get deep breath

Anyone experiencing the following:  throat mucous that lays in throat feels like a brick on upper chest area, hard to get a deep breath.  Went to ENT and he said allergies, gave me Astelin, neosonephrine and sinus irrigator.  I have had this trouble off and on for over a year.  All kinds of tests and everything comes back normal.  Any suggestions, comments?
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Thick/thin you name it... I've had severe drainage down the back of my throat year round since I was teenager. In the spring, around certain plants, my nose drips like a faucet. I'm 56 now. As gross as it may sound, a few years ago I swallowed a piece of meat that was too big and got stuck in my throat below my breathing passage. The blockage stopped the sinuses from draining, so I had to spit it out. No kidding... I bet I could fill a pint jar in 30 minutes. My dad was the same way, and I remember him taking a prescription med similar to pseudoephedrine. I take pseudoephedrine now, with marvelous results. Not sure about long term effects, and I just started a post about Psuedoephedrine/Sudafed... complications from long term use. My dad had a few small strokes, then a biggie, which took him at age 67. He had tremendous stress for years due to business issues, but I wonder if the sinus meds contributed. You may want to discuss pseudoephedrine use with your doctor.

You have my sympathy... wishing you the best.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Hello GrammieD,

It is good that atleast a diagnosis has been confirmed.Now we can work on that.In addition to the antibiotics,corticosteroids and decongestants ,you can use saline nasal sprays also.However the golden rule for chronic sinusitis is steam inhalation. Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot (but not boiling water) may help to soften, and loosen, the build up of mucus in your nose. You may also find that adding some menthol crystals, or eucalyptus oil, to the water, helps to ease your symptoms of catarrh.

Also avoid indigestible, spicy, foods and meats. Eat simply of wholesome food. Obtain needed out-of-door exercise, sunbaths, and swimming.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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Thanks for response on post nasal drip .  I went to my PCP and she put me on inhaler albuterol, whenever I get that hard to get deep breath feeling, I use it and it does help.  She says it is from my sinus drainage and gave me antibiotic and prednisone.  Finished those scripts and feel alittle better, but still experience the thick mucous especially in morning.  I try not to use the inhaler unless I absolutely have to.  I guess this is something I will have to learn to live with.

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I have this also and its been about 3 years.It comes and goes i could be good for 2 months and than it will be hard to get a deep breath. I dont know the color cause i cant seem to ever get it out. but it seemed to happen after i got pneumonia. so i drip and than its hard to breathe it also gets worse at night. many tests performed and final diagnosis was "thats the way it is"
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some questions:
could you think back in time when you first noticed the mucus?  if so, what happened in your life then, cold, flu?
could you describe it - color, thickness, time of day or eve you get it?  
do you smoke or are around anyone who does?
do you have any allergies that you know of - food, medicines & environmental?
have u taken any allergy tests?
if you don't have headaches or pressure in the sinus/face area then you most likely don't have sinusitis.  
sounds like it is allergy related which produce an allergic reaction in your body and result in this mucus.  
let me know - so we can do a process of elimination.
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563773 tn?1374246539
All these symptoms are leading to the possibility  of chronic post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions, or impairment in the normal clearance of mucus from the nose and throat.

Various causes for chronic post nasal drip are allergies,viral infections,deviated nasal septum,chronic sinusitis,adenoid enlargement and diseases like sarcoidosis and GERD.

Pls check out with an ENT specialist if you are having chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. If you have chronic sinusitis then it can lead to continuous production of mucus and less drainage leading to post nasal drip.Transillumination test and X-Ray or CT sinuses can help in diagnosing it. If allergic rhinitis is the cause of PND then it can be diagnosed by skin ***** tests or blood tests like RAST.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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