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Throwing up from allergies?

I am allergic to my dogs or when the rain comes. I have been so bad lately that I am gagging on the mucus and throwing up my stomach acid in the morning about 1-3 times a week. Today i am so stuffed up, I can't breathe right now! My throat also hurts. I don't know what I can take for my allergies because I take other meds for anxiety. I have had allergies since I was a child and I'm in my 30's now. I love my dogs though! I could never get rid of my dog, she is like my child! I bathed her today hopefully that will help. She got wet from the rain and that really triggered my allergies!
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What you can do instead of having to get rid of your dog, you can make sure the particles that the dog puts off is out of your air. I used to have high particle count in my indoor air, which gave me quite a few symptoms, which in turn gave me cause to wonder why I was suffering since I considered myself to be healthier than the average, or at least I should've been. A colleague of mine talked to me about this problem and she told me that it is actually quite normal for most people. I then proceeded to research the issue and found it is simply the nature of air that doesn't have as free an airflow as what is commonly outside. The difference is, such as in your case, people are more sensitive to this than others. When the weather changes, it effects our indoor air as well, but it doesn't help us when it changes.

Therefore I looked into air purifiers to take care of this problem with nasty indoor air, again my colleague knew about this and pointed me to Polarized Media Filters, which I then also researched. I came to the point that I trusted the technology enough to purchase and try it out for myself. I was very pleased with the results as my own problems now disappeared entirely. It's based upon this that I readily suggest it to you. With the problem that you apparently have with such a presence of allergens in your home I would think that this would help you out as much as it did me.

The best place for price is at www.airlifeone.com. I'd look for the Electrobreeze brand though as it's essentially the same as the other brand, except that it's cheaper. Also, if you have any questions about this company they are very easy to talk to, and to install this filter you don't need any professional. You put it on your filter and let it go. I was very surprised with the simplicity of it, but also very impressed with how the technology actually works.

I hope that this has helped you out.
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193245 tn?1189989722
When I was a little kid, I vomited everyday from allergies when it was the season.  It was the mucous in the stomach.  Talk to your doc about dealing with that, because you don't want to be throwing up that much.
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Have you considered getting allergy shots ? I actually prefer homeopathy because from my experience, as long as you know what you are allergic to and get the right remedy, it works.

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