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Tide Skin Hives - Why?

Hello. Im having a problem. You see. When My family began using Tide Detergent Ive been getting very large hives on my skin. They are usually between 4inches long to about 7 inches wide ( Yes , Ive measured. ) Anyway as my mother began to use the Tide the problem of these hives got increasingly worse and worse. Now after about 4 months of using it it's now a daily occurance after I get out of the shower. Please tell me why this is happening. If so is there any kind of common allergen in there?

P.s Ive also read on many other sites that alot of people since the recent lines of Tide have come out have been having this. Please help them along with me in this.
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I'd suggest you ask your mom if you can buy a detergent other than Tide that might work better for you & not cause you hives.  You can keep your clothes separate and wash them yourself.  There are many products which advertise a "Free & Clear" line that is supposed to free of scent and additives which cause problems for sensitive folks.
Our family uses ALL detergent, "Free & Clear" & it has worked pretty well for us.  You may need to experiment with several brands to find out which one(s) work OK for you.  Ask your folks to help you with this.
Sounds like you need to wash your own linens (including towels) too.
Ideally, once you find which detergent you're not sensitive to, you could get your family to switch  to it.  You may want to start by switching back to whatever detergent your family had used before it started Tide & see whether that works OK for you & the rest of the family.  Good luck--hives can really be nasty (as you unforutnately know firsthand)!
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I have used Tide my entire life.  I too have developed a serious problem with Tide particularly since they began concentrating the liquid detergent.  I went through and re-washed everying in my wardrobe and linen closet using the Tide Free detergent and fabric softening sheets - plus I rinsed everything twice.   Is it just Tide that is causing the problem?  Are there laundry products available for senstive skin?  What is it in the detergent that is causing the problem.  I even had my face and eyes to swell up.  Elaine
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This an allergic reaction to the chemical composition of Tide probably.Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating or allergy-causing substance (irritant or allergen). Reactions may vary in the same individual over time.
Irritant dermatitis, the most common type of contact dermatitis, involves inflammation resulting from contact with acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents, solvents, or other chemicals.
The best teatment is to avoid contact.You can take oral anti-histamines to treat it.Also you could apply Calamine lotion on the affected areas.
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i used this once and my underarms broke out in hives, then the skin dried up and got real itchy and it seems as though my body is replacing the old skin with new skin which is really sensitive and burns when i put deoderant on, i cannot stand tide and now i have gone back to using gain, i hope my condition will eventually subside, i have re washed all my clothes with gain and am just trying to wait this condition out
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I have problems with hives about 4 inches long and high on my skin. I believe it is the tide.  I notice there is a increase in being concentrated more.  I have used tide for years and I am beginning to think that this is it.  WHen i get in the bathtub to take a bath they become very itchy. And when I get out I put baby powder on them and it stops itching. My doctor put me on predizone now and onother med at night,  How can I solve this.  Shoul I start using the algetic detergent tide offers.
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I burned my hand and my doctor had me soak it in a mixture of
Tide and water to help alleviate scarring. This resulted in an allergic reaction to milk protein- even a very , very small amount - such as is found in a bit of parmesan or the cheese in a goldfish. I have to stay away from cinnamon too. I wish I had never seen Tide! It has been three years and my allergies are getting worse and more varied instead of improving. Before I soaked my hand in Tide I wasn't allergic to any food. -by the way I was given skin and blood tests which did not show a reaction. Apparently I have to consume the substance to swell up. break out in hives and itch to death. I am also beginning to get allergic reactions from smells. -Is there anything that can help?

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My mother used Tide and I broke out with dermatitis, hives, itching/irritated skin.  I went away from Tide until someone in the household forgot and bought the new improved Tide....   Let's just say I had to benadril/oatmeal baths/hydrocortisone cream and I then had to go to a dermatologist.   I had to rewash 3 weeks worth of clothes and now I am fine.  I highly recommend to everyone to stay away from Tide.
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I have used Tide powder for at least 4 yrs.  Several months ago, my face became very red and I developed scaly patches above my mouth and under my eyes.  Went to dermatologist and he said it was contact dermititis.  I bought fragrance free shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, etc.  Didn't work.  He then told me to get "All" detergent, the clear one without perfumes, etc.  I bought it but never expected anything.  Rewashed my sheets with it and started using it on my clothes.  Three days later, my face is totally clear!  No more Tide for me.
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I too have the same problem. I now use "All" or "Purex" and dont have a problem.
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How long did it take for your hives to stop coming back? After you rewashed everything for the first time and then slept in the new sheets did they just go away or did it take a few days for them to completely disappear.  I have been getting hives everyday for the past 3 weeks and the only new thing is our detergent - Tide HE...we got a new washer and dryer.  I switched yesterday to the Seventh Generation brand (HE) to see if it would work...but still work up with hives.  I am hoping my body just needs a few days to adjust...does anyone have any words of wisdom?
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I was able to determine that Tide Clean Breeze was the culprit of my skin itching problem. This can affect you if anyone in your house uses it, if you have sensitive skin as it leaves residue in the washer/dryer, plus I suspect it rubs off on furniture and may even break into particles that go airborne. I didn't have a rash, just felt like bugs crawling all over me and especially in my hair and facial hair.

Please read my other posts for my history with this problem.
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You may have hives and should see your pediatrician. My daughter has hives from a recent allergic reaction. Our pediatrician's recommendation is Benadryl (over the counter allergy medicine).

We are seeking the cause of the sudden allergic reaction. Recently, we bought a High Efficiency machne and started using Tide HE products. One brand did not cause a rash. We believe the Original Scent LOADS OF HOPE liquid bottle is the culprit. (The is another product of Tide for HE machines in liquid form, possibly 2X ULTRA, did not cause a problem for us.) We're investigating.

Thanks for reporting your finds!

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My husband bought the cheap Xtra detergent w fragrance in purple bottle.  Twice I have had a skin reaction to it.  I wasn't sure what it was the first time and then I felt a burning sensation on my inner calf.  It actually burned my skin both on the side of calf and on top of my calf.  I have NEVER had any other detergent cause such burning, inflammation.  Looks like a bad sunburn.  I rinsed my legs with cold water.  Then, I put my clothes through another rinse cycle but I'll probably have to go back and do that to all the clothes and linens used in this.  I think the formula is way too strong and these chemicals could seep into the blood stream.  Also, the fabric clothes are probably not good to use either.  Not good at all!  Thanks for all your comments and what to use on the inflamed areas.  
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I'm allergic to Tide detergent too!! Whenever I contact to the clothes or bed sheet anything washed by Tide detergent, my body will start itching and it may cause rash that itching as hell... Seriously, stay away from Tide!!
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it all strarted for me when i bought some work wear from wal-mart. major rash lookin like lots of little water filled blisters, very red, swollen, and irritable. ever since then i can go no where near any detergent but ABC free/clear. tide powder is by far the most irritable for me. rash was located in areas where the clothing is pressed against you ie: sweater cuffs, lower back, shoulders. life was hell. benadryl and steroid cream work best for non-script stuff.cover with gauss for work, put the cream to her hard..
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I am not quite sure why but any detergent really works except Tide. Any product with Tide gives me hive rashes that turn to BLOODY rashes. Of course scabbing and not a pretty sight. This is due to a chemical they use, scent etc. however I will use any detergent except Tide. My skin was sensitive when I was younger, cat allergies, milk and perfume. All I have slowly introduced and have gone away until my fiance tried to introduce Tide. 1 year later still the rashes and now scars. Something interesting.
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cheer   doesnt make me itch  been itch free for 10 years sad thing i wore clothes someone else did my laundry a week ago now i am itching ahhhh but cheer does not make you itch
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I have been using Tide product for many years. Two years ago I started using the Tide for sensitive skin (in white bottle), they worked perfectly fine for me.

About a month ago, I got some break outs, went to doctors, even emergency six times ( because in Canada, my city, to see the dermatologist take at least 6 months waiting). I was constantly told it was flea bites. They looks like flea bites and extremely itch. They come out a couple of every day. I called up pest control company, they told me if I have no pet, no carpet, they won't think there is any flea.

Since there is no dermatologist, it really bothers me. I called up my relatives in my home country. They suggest it might be some kind of allergy and ask me if I have change any product recently.  Then I suddenly remembered I bought the new product from Tide ---called Tide Total Care 7 signs of...( in orange color bottle in Canada). I have been using it for a month, laundry weekly. The break out start roughly the same time of that. So I rewashed all clothes I used with the Tide Total Care. Now I'm not getting any new break outs.

I'm not saying any other products from Tide, I have been using Tide for almost 8 years, this is the first product I got problem with.

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I usually don't stick with the same detergents, and have never had any problems with allergic reactions. I decided to buy Tide Total Care and right away I started getting tiny, very itchy, hives all over my body. It's a very uncomfortable feeling...I could barely sleep! I'm glad google the issue to find that i am not the only one experiencing this problem. They should recall this product if possible.
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I am glad to read these posts about Tide causing allergic reactions for some people;  I could not understand for the life of me why I was breaking out until I finally narrowed it down to Tide Free and Gentle.  The old Tide Free did not cause me any discomforts.  I wrote the company and they apologized and offered to send me some free coupons.  Go figure!  I went back to Arm and Hammer and have not had a problem with it;however, I wore a shirt today that must be a remnant from the "Tide laundry" and broke out with the same awful rash.  I am completely done with it!
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I'm 40 years old and never had skin problems at all. This last winter I switch to Tide for the first time in my life and I end up spending the whole winter like an episode of itchy and scratchy. Now I switch back to other brands and problem solved. Really, forget about Tide if you don't want health problems in your family.
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1. is the skin clean?
2. are you eating toxic compounds? If yes, tide will definitely make the skin worse.
3. is tide really rinsed out with a lot of water? If no, then I suggest rinsing with water
4. does tide cause trouble because you absorbed it, cause on the pages of the product there is this "do not eat or absorb product"
5. do you prefer a detergent that will clean clothes, sustains health and environment?
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Tide is an indication of poison and bacteria disinfectant that washes the clothes for only about 20%-100% of the time. Mostly, tide really mess up the nucleus of cells, but it does the job.
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