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Tide Skin Hives - Why?

Hello. Im having a problem. You see. When My family began using Tide Detergent Ive been getting very large hives on my skin. They are usually between 4inches long to about 7 inches wide ( Yes , Ive measured. ) Anyway as my mother began to use the Tide the problem of these hives got increasingly worse and worse. Now after about 4 months of using it it's now a daily occurance after I get out of the shower. Please tell me why this is happening. If so is there any kind of common allergen in there?

P.s Ive also read on many other sites that alot of people since the recent lines of Tide have come out have been having this. Please help them along with me in this.
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Stop using Tide immediately. Rewash all your clothes and sheets in a detergent that is not HE if you don't have a High Efficiency washer. If you have HE then buy another brand and only use a small bit. I was buying Tide Free and Gentle HE instead of Tide Free and Gentle Regular - the packaging is identical except for the little symbol of the washer and HE. I have suffered with a severe rash for 3 months because I didn't know I was using HE by mistake. I have seen 5 doctors and was on Prednisone for 10 days. I finally figured it out when I read a blog about Tide HE and people having rashes and hives. I went down and checked the label again and realized that I was buying the one for HE. It's been 2 weeks now and the rash is finally almost gone.  Hope this helps. I just spent 3 nightmarish months and am pissed at Protor and Gamble.
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I just realized now that Tide may be the reason why I've been breaking into hives and crying (literally) every night since February.  It was around that time that I moved in with a friend that used Tide.  I had a severe cough that my doctor told me was allergies. Soon afterwards, extreme itching (non-stop itching every second of the day on every inch of my body) ensued. I experienced a month and a half of relief in Vietnam where Tide wasn't around. I have been blaming it on my lotions (I have like six different kinds now). I rewashed all of my laundry with TIde because I thought it could be dust.. but, I now realize my mistake..
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Glad you finally realized it was Tide. Don't forget that everyone in your household must stop using it, not just yourself for the effects to go away. If your friend keeps using it, you'll still be affected because it stays in the washer/dryer in some capacity for a load or two afterwards. Also, the particles will rub off on furniture and bedding and can get on you that way too.

Good Luck!
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I,ve had itching since i started using it. drive a tractor trailer driving down the road scracthing my back with a fork. seems like wherever sweat was an itch feet back neck .Thanks for this site and back to cheap all detergent
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It might be possible you have a rubber allergy. The waist band of underwear is usually made of rubber. Rubber free underwear is available. Google it
I am also sensitive to most laundry soaps. I wash my clothes with detergent, then I wash them again in a complete wash and rinse cycle with no detergent or fabric softener at all.  This will get rid of most detergent residue.
Hope this helps.
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I had been using Tide  for decades, since childhood  w/o any issue until suddenly breaking out in  hives that spanned a size range from 1/2 inch to 7inches  long.  We played the "what could this be" game as well, until my husband noted that the hives seemed to centralized  only where clothing   touched  my bod,  most particularly at stress  points like the stomach,  sides, thighs, upper arms and small of  my back. As soon as I called the dermatologist the first question he asked was what detergent are you using and I said Tide Free & Clear. He said they were seeing a lot of patients with similar ailments, specific to Tide Free & Clear and the Ultra brand. why I would have an allergic reaction to Tide Free & Clear and not regular tide is  curious. We switched to All's Free  & clear and have been using that for over 13 years now and I haven't  had a problem since. We re washed everything in 6 cycles of All Free  &  Clear and the Hives immediately disappeared as soon as we switches and the doctor prescribed some Prednisolone.
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