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Titanium Coflex instead of fusion

My father had a titanium device called a Coflex inserted into his low back on April 11, 2013.  Since that time every single month without fail he becomes very ill with horrible chills, fevers of up to 104, sweating, facial rash and flaking.  He loses his balance, his strength and his stamina.  This passes within a week.  Then the very next month like clock work it happens again.  He has been hospitalized every time.  Nothing comes up in any tests they've run.  No infection of any kind.  I have had a gut feeling since it first started it was this implant.  Anyone have any similar issues?  We are having the Melisa testing done next week.  We are at our wits end here.  thank you in advance for any help/replies/ideas etc.
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Hi, allergic reactions to titanium can occur. But its unlikely that they may occur cyclically. The allergy testing may help to confirm if the symptoms  are due to titanium. Check to see if his symptoms are due to an autoimmune disorder like lupus. Also, sometimes infectious causes like malaria and filariasis can cause intermittent fever with chills. They may not show up in routine tests. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. Regards.
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The Coflex folks are spending a lot of money promoting these devices and
The surgeon who use them.
Too bad our FDA is useless. Direct advertising of Precsription only items is forbidden n all countries but the USA, ourFDA is very susceptible to the bribes ( they call them "contributions:) to our legislators.

by history alone if it is true it is clear that he is HAING SOME SORT OF RECURRENT "SEPSIS," and this is not "allergy". the regularity is more consistence to an abcess or like it tht when it grows large enough  "leKA" INTO THE BLOODSTREAM. ALLERGY TO TITANIUM WOULD BE MORE IRRECGULAR, PROBAVLY CONSTANT, AD IS UNLIKELY.
RIGHT NOW YOU NEED TO START DAILY TEMPERATIRES and have  visiting nurse under doctor orders draw BLOOD CULTURES  x 2 w˙ile still hot or immeiately after.He shoul have baselint tests for inflammation, which incudes sed rate, white blood cell counts, including eosinophil counts. ex and cheap to do conpRED TO THE EXTREME DANGER THIS WILL KILL HIM.

I RECOMMEND YOU GO TO AN INDEPENDENT-OF-THE-SURGICAL GROUP- PHYSIcian to manage the iscovery of what it is. Unfortunatly most states have the Malpractice problem that present docs from rapidly responding to the needs. In most states there willbe enormous malpractice cases as a result of this so far, and tons of money to te lawywers. However some sates, ncluding my hometate coloado have marvellous ways of avoiding his. s soon s the docs see the threat or fact tht distress has happened, our own malpractice company takes over for paryng immediaely for evaluatng ad treating he problem,  montoringprogress, and the physicians involved are overed completely nd promtly, unles they ignore the problem or try to deny it in which case they lose their malpractice coverage .

J,,B,,,,,,MD, FAAFGP 45 years inpratice in Colorado
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