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flare up of an old insect bite site

I was bitten on the leg by an insect ( flea?) a few years ago and this resulted in a leg infection  which was cured by means of  a course of antibiotics. However from time to time ( say 1-2 months) I get an itchy spot ( as if I have just been bitten) in the same area of the old site of the bite and after 20 mins it goes back down to normal without any medication.

Could you enlighten me on the reasons why this occurs.

Many thanks  
3 Responses
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The area of the insect bite must have got hypersensitive and any minor stimulus must be causing a flare up of itching.

You have any other spots anywhere else on your body?

It would be advisable to consult your doctor and dermataologist about it and let them have a look at it and see if any intervention is required or not.

Do keep us posted about your progress.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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get lemon juice and rub it on there. the acid will kill the bacteria thus curing the rash and itchyness
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I am the same, in the same area (back of thigh) which I was bitten over 10 years ago - like you it flares up now and again gets very itchy..then it goes
I do have anti-histmanes - but do not want to take them all the time - any advice would be appreciated
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