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Vaginal Allergies? Can someone please help?

I recently had a yeast infection. I took monostat 1 and a pill prescribed by a doctor.. I thought I was cured but after 2 weeks, I started getting VERY itchy after taking showers. Yes, I do scrub down there, but I've ALWAYS done that and I've never had problems. The only problem is itching all in my vagina area after I come out of the shower. It's never been THIS intense before... My mom says at my age she had this issue and realized she's allergic to spandex and can only wear cotton underwear and use very natural body wash.. I don't know if I have this same problem.. I had a yeast infections (does not commonly happen to me) and I thought I was cured, but can this all of a sudden start up again??? What should I do?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The itching and rash you are experiencing could a recurrence of infections of the vagina. Vaginal candidiasis (Thrush infection) is the most common cause for vaginal discharge and itchiness. Treatment is by topical antifungal pessaries or vaginal tablets. And if needed by oral antifungal therapy. Also check to see if you are diabetic, as recurrence of infections is more common with diabetes. An allergic reaction to the underwear is more likely to cause a rash on the skin. Please consult your primary care physician for further evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Hi SheGlimmerz,

After reading your comments, I would suggest making an appointment with your family doctor. You may need a referral to a dermatologist as this
is a skin issue. Your mom's suggestions are good ones. Good luck in
getting relief.
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