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Victoria Secret Bras

I just saw the story on the news about women having severe skin reactions to the Victoria Secret bras.  I have had the same experience with one of my Victoria Secret bras.  It was an awful cresent shaped welt under my breasts that was red, raised and very itchy.  Is there somewhere I can report this?
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I am also experiencing a itchy, red bump rash all over my breasts. It occurred after a recent purchase of three new Very Sexy Bras.  Can you suggest a cure?
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I recently got an underwire bra from Victoria's Secret also and thought I was just having an allergic reaction to the nickel in the wire but now I have  red splotches across 6 inches of my chest and I haven't worn that bra for days. Anything else I can do?
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i had this problem at the end of last year. i went to 4 different doctors and the only thing that stopped the rash was a steroid creme. i had no idea that this was associated with these bras. my breast still has scarring, not to mention scar tissue in my breast and in my nipple. i recommend seeing a doctor.
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I just heard about this story on the news this morning.  I have been experiencing rashes for months now and I honestly could not figure out what was wrong.  I recently purchased about 5 new VS bras due to I changed sizes.  My rash has been so bad that it spread down my stomach and the blisters would bleed.  I have been wearing cotton sports bras under my clothes at work and the rash has started to go away.  But I have scars under my breasts and on my chest from the scabs.  I have been using Cortizone cream and it seems to be getting better.  
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I have been wearing the BODY BY VICTORIA bras for about 6 years now.  I started getting a rash on my breasts and under my arms.  I also have a cresent shaped itchy scar under each breast.  All Itch so bad.  I saw a dermatologist about 3 years ago.  She said it was contact dermatitis and put me on a steroid cream.  She thought is was probably my deodorant or my detergent.  I have changed both many times without success.  I had no idea the rash could have been coming from my bras all along.  I have been embarrased to go sleeveless for 6 years.  If I stop wearing their bras, maybe I can get my life back.  Please let me know if a class action suit gets approved.  I have a lot of bills that need reimbursed!
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I just heard about this today from a family member and I was a bit sceptical about these accusations. Once I read over many comments online of women's reactions to the bras, I realized I have also been affected by these bras and needed to include my own story. I have only been wearing VS very sexy  bras for about 3 years but last year I was having a bad skin rash under  both my arms. I had patches under my arm pits that were as big as a fifty cent piece. After an embarrassing few months I decided to see the doctor because they would not go away and after using the prescribed steroid cream they finally went away. I had no idea this could have been from my bras. Now it makes sense that it took so long for them to disappear. Last month I purchased 4 new bras and have not had a reaction to them but if I do I know that I must see a doctor.  I feel really bad for those women who have more serious reactions and hope they get help right away.
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I have had an ongoing rash on both breast since 1993.  It comes and goes and everytime I buy a new bra it seems to get worse. I usually buy Wacoal Bras that run about $65. ea. I am now thinking that the foam in the lining has some chemical agent that is causing this  awful condition. Since these bras are  now manufactured in China, I am curious if the manufacturer is using a  product/chemical that is an irritant.
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