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Violent, uncontrollable sneezing

I have had allergies and asthma all my life.  When I have a sneezing/hay fever reaction, it's accompanied by the usual itching of palate and eyes, and my medications take care of it.  But once or twice a month, I sneeze uncontrollably, hundreds of times, all day long, and nothing, not Allegra-D, not Claritin, not Benadryl, will stop it.  And the weird thing is, this sneezing is NOT accompanied by the usual itching.  When I have a "sneezing day," I am nonfunctional.  All events are canceled. It is absolutely exhausting.  I sometimes  wonder if it has anything to do with weather or barometric changes; it seems like it rains or there's a temp. change the following day, and my symptoms are COMPLETELY gone.  Any guesses or similarities out there?
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That's me. Some days are just sneezing days for no apparent reason. I find that for me, it will happen when the temperature drops, like I get out of a warm shower, or I take off my shoes. So wrapping up in something warm and covering my head helps. Of course, if it's not a sneezing day, the temperature change has no effect on me at all.
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Hey MrsSneezy, if stress was the case I'd be sneezing 24/7 for the past 10 months! lol

I honestly believe it has something to do with the barometric air pressue/humidity.  Every time I have an attack that always seems to be the common denominator.
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I found this group while Googling "why do I sneeze so much" trying to find answers for my 17 year old son. Although we don't know WHY he wakes up (average) twice a week with violent sneezes, we have found something that stops them. My wife and I recently became wellness advocates for doTERRA Essential Oils and have had great luck with an oil blend called "Breathe". We have him rub some on his chest and add 2 drops to his hands, rub them together, put them in front of his face and breathe in deeply, through his nose. Within 1-2 minutes, he's done sneezing!
I don't know if that would work for everyone but it definitely works for him and we (and he) are ecstatic!!

Just wanted to share, maybe this works for you too!! Best of luck....
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I know this is five years old, but in case you read my comment, I recently got DoTerra Breathe, and I put it on the inside of my nostrils just at the opening. It stings a little but only for a minute. It works its way back and I am symptom-free. Try that.
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My poor husband is such a hurting unit - he's so sneezy. I joke that he's allergic to me. The beginning of this thread was in 2007. There still isn't an answer to what causes these often times inexplicable, day-long, sneezing attacks.

I'm curious. What do you all think about this having something to do with stress. Any kind of stress. Work, financial, relationships, whatever. Maybe something about a stressful event, or combination of weather and stress?

Any energy healers out there with input on this?

There is clearly something more than what we're considering.

What do you think?
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I get this too! I have no idea what I can try. But I have tried everything I can think of!
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I had another sneeze attack on Sunday Aug 31st, the first in over a year.  It was humid as heck, I woke up feeling fine then went out and about to run some errands and an hour or so into being outside it all started. Relative Humidity was in the high 80s if not 90s.  It was one of those days where the air temperature was only about 24 celsius but the humidex was in the 30s.
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