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Violent, uncontrollable sneezing

I have had allergies and asthma all my life.  When I have a sneezing/hay fever reaction, it's accompanied by the usual itching of palate and eyes, and my medications take care of it.  But once or twice a month, I sneeze uncontrollably, hundreds of times, all day long, and nothing, not Allegra-D, not Claritin, not Benadryl, will stop it.  And the weird thing is, this sneezing is NOT accompanied by the usual itching.  When I have a "sneezing day," I am nonfunctional.  All events are canceled. It is absolutely exhausting.  I sometimes  wonder if it has anything to do with weather or barometric changes; it seems like it rains or there's a temp. change the following day, and my symptoms are COMPLETELY gone.  Any guesses or similarities out there?
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Finally found a site with someone that can identify with my problems. I have the exact same symptoms as you.  The violent sneezing episodes last all day and nothing seems to stop it.  It is impossible to work or function on those days.  I know people think I am "stretching" the truth when I have to call in sick to work on those days.  I teach and it is impossible to be productive on a day when you can't stop sneezing.  It leaves you exhausted when the sneezing finally does stop the next day.  I have had all the allergy skin tests done and wasn't allergic to anything.  The dr. diagnosed me with non-allergic rinitis and prescribed Astelin which has terrible side effects.  The only thing that seems to help me a little is taking double doses of benedryl which probably isn't healthy, but at least it will put me to sleep for a few hours.  I see a new allergy dr. tomorrow and am hoping for some help with this ongoing problem.  
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i am not a good speller or writer but here goes, I am so glad to know i am not the only one possibly overdosing myself on antihystimins i too have these sneezing attacks about 2 times a month i have known allergies and take meds daily with good results usualy symptom free but when an attack comes nothing stops it i cannot function i cant seem to figure out what triggers it and then the next day im warn out.
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I am not alone! I too have this, it is so draining.  the benadryl  only makes me sleep so that is used as a last resort. Some days it is all day. I too have wondered is it due to weather, I live in the tropics and  think it is the moist air, the change in pollen content or weather ( sudden downpours cloudy days brilliant sun) as well as the various molds and spiders we have. I don't think it is an allergy as much as just a very sensitive nose. Dust gets me,  a smell,  perfume,  the sun  but then some days nothing.  I noticed this happening when I was pregnant with my first child 17 years ago. The nose was so sensitive to touch, if my husband leaned close to kiss me and his breath  touched my nose it would tickle it and cause a sneeze!  Weird!  The terrible thing is some times the sneeze itself triggers another  you get so stuffed up  but drippy too, that you can hardly breathe for fear of more sneezes.  You can stand up and start to sneeze!  A fan blowing can trigger it, cooler air form an air con, then going into warmer air.  I have tried all medication and the nasal sprays ( which often trigger a sneeze  themselves!) I've had x-rays to see if there is a blockage or an infection, nothing!  Do you think stress can cause it? I noticed a few times when I have to tell off my children I get stopped by a sneeze or two or 6! I don't know if it will ever go away or there will ever be a cure.  We just have to make do the best we can.  Bless you! all! Caroline
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I'm having a similar problem with my allergies.  It doesn't last just one day either.  I have had the most awful sinus pain for days.  Nothing I've done has helped very much at all.  I've used the nasal spray, which will wash out what ever is bothering me, but I still get no relief.  I'm using Nasonex, which has been like using nothing.  I used Flonase in the past.  Same thing.  I'm on Benadryl all the time, otherwise I would have an itchy runny nose, sneezing, plus this sinus pain.

I can't take ANYTHING for pain.  I've been dealing with a kidney issue, so NSAIDs are out.  I'm allergic to Tylenol, and I'm allergic to all opiates.  When I was hospitalized with renal failure, the hospital had me lying down on a K-pad to deal with the intense kidney pain, because there isn't anything left that one can take for pain.

So, that means I can't take anything to deal with the sinus pain and headaches when this is happening.

I'm at a loss as to what I can do.  I can't afford to get an air purifier.  It's on my wish list of items to buy some time in the distant future, which means not in the forseeable future.

This is almost the same as what these other allergy sufferers are going through.  This is very debilitating.

In addition to the pharmaceuticals I mentioned that I'm allergic to, I am allergic to everything under the sun, with a long list of food allergies, because I also have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).  So, I have to be particularly careful of what I take into my body.
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Holy moly..I have to tell you I thought I was alone. I just came back from the Drs took today off. Woke up 3 am violent sneezing for hours..have to  have a tea towel because my nose is raw from Kleenex, running like a tap..clear, eyes are watering,and my body is drained. I know tomorrow will be like nothing ever happened, and I'll just have a red nose to show for my lost day. When I'm like this I can't even talk to people because my nose  is running down my face, in my purse, lap...desk..
I'll be going to a specialist to find out what I'm allergic to..but I drank red wine yesterday, and now that I think about it...I think the last time I was like this I had drank red wine that day...hmmm..with what I've just googled I may be allergic to what is in red wine, and alot of other food that have sulphites (to preserve foods) or the histamines...well I'll be testing this....no more red wine...I hope that's it..because that would be sooooo easy to fix this.
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So maybe I'm not alone.... but I still feel that my uncontrollable, violent, head wrenching sneezing has to be the worst.... Now I'm a 23 year old, African American with Asthma, Sinuses, and hundreds of food allergies, outdoor allergies, and inside allergies.... fortunately for me I've never had one of these reactions outside of my home... but let me tell you If I did they would lock me up in a zoo for behaving like an animal. My sneezes comes in doubles, triples, quadruples, and I can be sneezing for hours.... my sneezes aren't clean sneezes...I'm draining snot like a water faucet....  no conventional medications work... I have to let it go away in its on time.... If you know anything I can do... let me know.
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