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Vision changes from Allergy?

Hi. Has anyone experienced changes in vision due to allergies?

Lately my quality of vision will change throughout the day. I live in Auckland (New Zealand), which has bad hay fever. This is the first spring I have been here. Since I arrived back in Auckland in Sept, after a few months back in the US, I have had constant post nasal drip, which is clear and thick. I have also noticed eye symptoms, mostly that my vision will get worse at certain times. Its been hard to narrow down the times my sight is worse. I also get a foggy feeling in my head and my ears seem clogged at times.

I have been cleared from sinusitis, according to a CT. Also had an MRI, which was negative for everything. Eye doctor says my eyes are fine too.

I have more recently been dealing with bad facial/eye pain, which the ENT says is due to the Sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck. I am having Physical Therapy for that, which seems to help with the facial pain.

Has anyone experienced changes in vision from allergies? COuld something inside my head or eye be swelling througout the day, putting pressure on my eyes and changing my vision.
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Has the physical therapy helped any from the sternocleidomastoid muscle as far as head/neck pain?  I, too have had some physical therapy from a chiro. but didn't follow through -- too many visits and not enough time.  Plus I always want a quick fix.  I am thinking something is going around, too, for so many of us to be like this with no relief from all the  meds the dr.'s have given us, and our CT's coming out fine, etc.  I feel the same about the swelling in the head as you do.  I'll be fine (for one day)..then feel pressure in face, and my head inside feels like it's  lopsided and my vision is affected, and it's a strain to walk a straight line.  Advil's don't help with the facial pain.  Go back to the ENT Tues.  I'm going to run everything past him I've read here in this forum!!!
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Hi, I'm in California, with my sinus problems my vision has  bouts of almost double vision it seems. I never had eye problems, and at times its okay, then its not. I get neck pain and tenderness also, with headaches. Im told its allergies. Too many people are suffering with this for my liking this year. I hope no one tested some radioactive bomb or something that is giving all of us an allergic reaction...It seems especially bad this year. We all arent crazy. I also think they keep spraying more and more pesticides without us knowing. Too many weird illnesses now, and if you read a lot of these posts, we are all complaing of the same things. All around the planet. Anyway, hope this helped a litle. Good luck. I think we need to clean up our planet!
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