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Vomiting mucus

The reason I'm posting here is because I think it's allergy related. I am now living in Japan with my fiance. We have no dryer so dust sticks to clothing. We have to wash our clothes in laundry bags so the washer doesn't rip our clothes apart. We have no air cleaner and we have a regular vacuume (though we can get HEPA bags for it). I sleep with an allergy pillow case but that's it. I'm currently on nasonex and zyrtec (walmart equivalent).

Starting about two weeks ago, i started randomly throwing up mucus. I think it's nerves. lately i've been going through some harsh culture shock. In addition to that i've started a new job and I'm really stressed about it. All in all, I think it was nerves.
This week, same thing, randomly throwing up mucus. Some days nothing, other days I'll throw up a bit. Interesting thing is that when i throw up i only bring up mucus. For example, I ate a sandwich the other day. A few minutes after eating it I brought up a bit of mucus. no solids at all, just mucus.

Today, however, is different. I had milk this morning that might have made me a bit ill. I think they pasturize it differently here or maybe not at all, i'm not sure. Either way, that was a bad idea. I threw up a few times, was feeling sick on the train, then I kinda snapped out of it. I went to work by riding a bike for about 20 minutes and then i vomited at work once. After that i was good for the rest of the afternoon. i came home, ate a sandwich, drank a beer, and threw up some mucus. at about 7pm, I went, ate rice, chicken, and some lettuce and went outside and felt ill. Almost threw up. Burped a few times and felt better.

now I'm pretty much fine feeling. To back up a bit, I've been feeling tired and weak for about a week now. I've had a very low apetite so i've not been eating much. I've lost about 10lbs so far since i've been here. i got here and was at about 180. Stayed there for a few weeks, and now I've lost 10lbs total. lots of biking and not a lot of eating will do that i think.

i hope i included all of the information. Sorry about the capitals, this shift key doesn't work well.
Matt Haley
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
Hello Matt,

The symptoms that you are having i.e vomiting consisting of mucus mainly is pointing towards the diagnosis of post nasal drip,acid reflux or food allergies.

Post-nasal drip (PND) occurs when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses. The excess mucus accumulates in the throat or back of the nose. It can be caused by rhinitis, sinusitis, or laryngopharyngeal acid reflux. It can be enhanced or sometimes even caused by allergies.

Pls check out with an ENT specialist if you are having chronic sinusitis. If you have chronic sinusitis then it can lead to continuous production of mucus and less drainage leading to post nasal drip.Transillumination test and X-Ray or CT sinuses can help in diagnosing it. If allergic rhinitis is the cause of PND then it can be diagnosed by skin ***** tests or blood tests like RAST.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.Warm regards.

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I've been under a lot of stress and I've not had much of an appetite. I came to Japan at about 180lbs and now I'm at about 170. I think more stress with less food could mean acid reflux at this point but I'm not sure.

I've also had more gas production than normal.
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