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Weather Change = neck pain/soar throat.

I know this is probably not allergy related at all, but didn't know which category to put this in. When there is a dramatic change in weather in a short time I get neck cramps or a soar throat. Is this a common experience for others?
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563773 tn?1374246539

The sudden change in weather can cause a cold and sore throat in many people.This is mostly caused by viral infections. These viruses are highly contagious and spread quickly. The first indication of the infection is usually scratchiness or tickling in the throat.

Also during change of season,many people have allergic rhinitis due to pollen,house dust,dust mites animal dander or atmospheric pollutants.This may cause upper respiratory tract infection after allergic rhinitis thus leading to sore throat.

For viral sore throat,no treatment is required other than warm saline gargles and cough lozenges to control the irritation of throat.If there is any sign of bacterial infection like fever,productive cough or yellow phlegm,then an ENT examination and antibiotics are required.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do kep me posted on how you are doing.

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I live in the Bahamas - and we dont get cold weather - we get cold and drafty weather.  Once the draft falls my nostrils clamp down and I cant breath.  Once I clear my nasal passages and can breath - I sneeze non stop.  I cant take this anymore.........can I be allergic to the cold weather

Cant breath!
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Hi - I get the same kinds of symptoms - my throat feels tight, I have sinus pressure, I get stiff and have joint pain, my equilibrium is affected and sometimes I have trouble speaking and processing information. I am also hit with waves of total exhaustion. I have fainted at least once and another time I literally could not move for several seconds. I find if I can get moving it usually helps for a little while at least. But these symptoms are debilitating, there is no doubt about it.

Many years ago, I was hospitalized with hemolytic anemia and had to be on steroids for a year, so I believe that there is an autoimmune connection, though I have never been diagnosed with any other autoimmune disease. I have had abnormal blood tests from time to time - several years ago my C3 and C4 levels were all over the place - and my rheumatologist told me that if I had a positive ANA she would think I had lupus (but I don't). I have taken plaquenil, and then the parent medication, chloroquine, for the past several years, and I believe it has helped somewhat. Since being on the medication I have not had any more abnormal blood tests.

I know my current rheumatologist has wondered if I have fibromyalgia because for a while he would press on various areas to see if I experienced any pain in response to pressure, but I never have. I really do not believe that this is my issue since I do not have any pain on pressure, and also do not suffer from insomnia.

The other significant thing I have learned through all of this is that I have IgA deficiency (my IgA is 0), which is the most common immunodeficiency. Many people have it and have no symptoms, but some people do have symptoms and there is a connection to autoimmune disease. After finding out about the IgA deficiency I underwent further testing and it turns out that I have other immunodeficiencies as well, though I'm not sure what all of them are.  I received a pneumonia vaccination which produced no response. Anyway, I was lucky enough to get approved for IVIG infusion therapy once a month for a year, and have received treatments for about four months. I do think it is helping, especially with the fatigue, but what with the recent seasonal change from winter to spring and the frequent barometric pressure changes, the last month has been hard.

For those of you with these symptoms, I think it would be worth consulting an immunologist and getting tested for immunodeficiencies.

I am also looking into alternative treatments such as anthroposophic drug hepar magnesium D10 intravenously administered:

Also, I have wondered if hyperbaric oxygen therapy might work.

To everyone suffering from these symptoms, you have my empathy. Keep on looking for answers.
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I having the same condition. For me, since I got 17, the symptoms shown. I'm afraid that I have Rheumatic Heart Disease. But I noticed that the sore only occurs when there's a weather change.It's getting worse when I don;'t get  lonzenges, sometimes I get fever.
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