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Weird Reaction to Yuengling?

I'm 20 years old and while I don't drink too frequently (4ish times a month), I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance for my small stature; I've only been hungover once (after a Four Loko...bad decision). However, I've noticed that I get a bizarre reaction when I drink Yuengling Lager Light - after having only one, I'll have to pee like crazy for about two hours, outputting about as much urine as if I'd had five drinks. I won't feel drunk or even buzzed, and even though I will drink only one Yuengling and NOTHING else alcoholic, I have a terrible headache in the morning and a bit of nausea. I've noticed this consistently, and only with Yuengling - no other types of beer, wine, or liquor.

I've got seasonal/environmental allergies and one food allergy to flax seed, but no other significant health issues. Yuengling doesn't release their ingredient list, so it's hard to isolate what might be causing this. I know what typical allergy symptoms are, and this doesn't seem to match. Anyone have ideas?
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1809109 tn?1331803777
Some of the people I know who are allergic to certain alcohol drinks (or what's in them rather) do have a reaction where they seem to "get drunk faster". Specifically my friend's mom who has this problem with red wine. If she drinks only a sip she becomes light headed, needs to urinate more, and then gets really nauseated. So it's quite possible that you're allergic to it.

What happens when you have a reaction to flax seed? Is it similar. Have you tried writing to the company or calling to ask about a specific food allergy. They may not release their this but they might be willing to tell you if your allergen is in it or could be present.
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huh, that's really interesting that her allergic symptoms are like that and not your typical tingly mouth, stomachache, etc.

I did call Yuengling, and they said they don't use flax seed (not surprising, but worth the effort) and that they didn't use any common allergens except for the obvious stuff that's in most beers and I'm quite certain I'm not allergic to (corn, barley, hops).

As to the flax allergy, I get typical symptoms - puffy lips and mouth, tingling mouth and throat, stomachache, hives, diarrhea. Once I had an anaphylactic reaction to it, so I carry an epi pen, but I've had a couple slips since then and the reaction wasn't too bad.
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I have seasonal allergies . I sometimes get sneezing attacks and I had the worst attack in my life after drinking 8 yuengling Lauger's  . I went to lay down for bed and started sneezing uncontrollably it was one of the worst sneezing attacks I have ever had but it was followed by something that I have never experienced in my life . My sinuses clogged 100% and even my soft pallet swelled I had difficulty breathing out of my mouth because of this . It was like I was snoring while awake . I went to the E.R while sitting there for an hour My symptoms subsided so I left the ER before getting treatment I purchased Dristan and pseudo ephedrine I was then able to get some rest  
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Hey !!! Please help me out so weird I drank a few yeunlings and I noticed a tiny bump on the tip of my top lip than the next day it kept swelling up :( I took benadryl and other allergy meds. The whole day I've had the huge bump in the middle and it so noticeable . Do u recommend medial attention???
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