290018 tn?1240365868

What is causing this?

My son is almost 4 and is allergic to casein (milk protein) we have switched him to soy milks and casein free products.  We purchased some "Tofutti" brand dairy free (and casein free) pizzas for him.   I have noticed the last 2 times I have given it to him that minutes after eating he develops a rash on each side of his mouth.  They first time the rash on each side was round and bright red.  This time one side is rounded and the other is more of a rectangle.  The rash is very red and had a very obvious warmth when you touch it.  The last time it seemed to be flat but this time noticed one or two raised spots.  He does not have it anywhere else.  It does not itch him.  He does not have this kind of reaction from the casein in products...and this one is casein free.  These are the ingredients in the product.

Wheat flour (unbleached), water, Dairy-Free Better than mozzarella cheese, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, tofu, soy protein, crushed tomatoes, potato flakes, maltodextrin, corn starch, vinegar, adipic acid, sodium phosphate, soy lecithin, natural flavors, sugar, salt, yeast, spices, garlic powder.

I believe he has had all of these before with the exception of Maltodextrin and Adipic acid.  Is anyone familiar with either of these?  
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Has he been allergy-tested for the other ingredients?  I just discovered am allergic to all caseins, glutens (wheat, oats, etc), gliadens, SUGAR!!!, honey, lettuces, yeasts, zucchini, etc. etc. etc.  Allergies to wheat, soy and yeast products are very common.  I'm 51 and just learned of my allergies a few days ago.  I never experienced any common symptoms.  Only discovered it when my naturopath suggested allergy testing after many years of working with conventional medical practioners on cause of joint & soft tissue breakdown I've been suffering from for last 10 years.
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My son is also allergic to dairy and gets that rash around his mouth if he has eaten something with just a small amount of dairy. If he has a large amount he will vomit and have heaps of phlegm.

Sometimes products get contaminated during manufacture or the recipe changes and they get the labels wrong so I suggest you query the manufacturer.

Nothing else in those ingredients rings an alarm bell with me. Sometimes the acid in tomotoes can cause a slight rash but normally cooked ones are ok.

I find it is better to make most food from scratch as I have had trouble with some pre-prepared foods before.
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I would suggest getting tested for Celiac's Disease, basically an autoimmune allergy response to gluten.  Most people that have the problem with gluten show a sensitivity/allergy to casein because they are similar.  In fact after cutting out casein for a while and gluten forever (the only treatment is complete elimination), most are fine with the casein after the healing has occurred from being gluten free.  

Celiac's Disease if left untreated can lead to other allergies as the villi in your gut become eroded from years of gluten ingestion.  Just google Celiacs and see if its something worth getting checked out.  If you don't want to get tested, just try to cut out gluten for a month or so (maybe longer for afm1957 as it has been longer for damage to occur) and see if you/they feel better.
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Sounds like it's something in the pizza. I would just stop buying that particular one and see if that helps it. If the rash continues happening it would probably be time to investigate and see if there's something else besides the casein and milk that he's allergic to.

hope it clears up soon!
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Hello Rachie

I have recently been tested for many food allergies. I am allergic to soy, casein, wheat, milk, eggs and odly enough mustard. My doctor put me on a gluten free diet and diary free diet and I have seen a world of a difference. Like one of the members have noted above I would definately have your child tested for celiac disease also called celiac spure. When a person has celiac disease that goes untreated they can also develop dairy intolerance. I just took the blood test for celiac disease a day ago. I am waiting for the results to confirm what my doctor has noted that my symptoms are. You should definately check out celiac.com and see if your son has any other symptoms such as constant belly aches, headaches, constipation or loose stools. I wish you luck. Oh and one more thing a good amount of dairy free products are still processed in food factories that also process foods that contain soy or dairy, this will be noted on the package if it is.
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Which testing are you getting done?  To my knowledge there are really three routes for testing...Genetic, Antibodies, and/or biopsy.  It sounds like you have been doing the gluten free diet and feeling better; and you may already know, but if you did the antibody test it may give false positives (especially since you have been gluten free prior to the test; depending on how long you have been gluten free prior to testing).

The genetic test will be accurate regardless of whether you have been gluten free or not, but also you don't have to be a Celiac with the genetic marker to be intollerant/allergic to gluten.  Most doctors will only run the antibodies blood test, so just be aware of what tests are out there and how your diet will affect the results.

And with the biopsy depending on how long it has gone untreated, it could lead to false negatives if the "samples" are collected from yet to be harmed regions.

It is good to get tested, but one of the most decisive methods I have found is to actually go gluten free.  For me, going gluten free provided dramatic results.  I wanted to get tested anyways so I did the genetic test and the antibodies test.  I have the gene that 90% of Celiacs have, but the antibodies test was not supportive of Celiacs (however they only ran two of the antibodies, and I had been gluten free for a period before the test).  They wanted to biopsy to make sure, but I don't want/need to do that.
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