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red watery eyes - worse in rainy weather

My wife has suffered from allergic conjunctivitis and red, watery eyes for the past several years and has had all kind of treatments and tests to no avail. It waxes and wains at will, but we have noticed that when it rains and the weather changes it flares up worse. We live in a humid sub tropical place near the ocean and in the summer it is hot and humid and we often sudden changes and rain in the afternoons. I have chronic sinusitis and notice that it gets a lot worse too when the weather changes suddenly.
anybody else notice that their 'allergy' problems get worse in the rain or when the change comes?
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Welcome to the joys of a mold allergy! I'm lucky to live in a fairly dry climate so I don't have the trouble too much, but I do have a lot of trouble with the snow. Talk with your ENT....there are meds and sprays to help. Also try investing in some tea tree oil aromatherapy, like Melaleuca. It is great for combatting itchy eyes and sinusitis.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have similar and have put it down to the chem trails.. the spraying they are doing, all round the world, you may want to put it into the search engine there is much about it,I also have put a journal up with info, we are being bombarded with toxins they have found in the ground water and the soil here in California ,every day they are up spraying .I believe Australia gets a lot Children are particulary sensitve ,.I have sinusitis , sore red rimmed itchy eyes, dry cough,sore throat sometimes I also get neck and arm rashes .
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Environmental triggers for allergic reactions like changes in weather, temperature and water sources are difficult to avoid, but being aware can help you take adequate precautions. If you are aware of the triggers please avoid them or take anti-histamines. If the present anti histamines are not very effective you can consult your doctor for long acting ones.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Sorry to hear you guys are suffering from this too. My son's eyes become itchy, sore, and he constantly squints and blinks around the time it rains, it's terrible. We live near an aluminum smelter which increased it's So2 emissions in 2015 and he didn't have sore itchy eyes before then. I think the rain pushes down the chemicals when it rains... acid rain. The company named Alcan (don't buy their aluminum foil) could have installed scrubbers to get rid of the pollutants in our air shed but they chose to save for their own profit and treat children like guinea pigs instead. I hope you all figure out what the issue is for you, it's chemicals and/or mold being pushed down from the rain.
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