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I took an Echinacea caps and I think I am having an allergic reaction to it.

Hello,  I took an Echinacea capsule and I think I am having an allergic reaction to it.  About 20 mins after taking it I got this really bad headache at the back of my head, had trouble sleeping and felt a little abnormal breathing and my face would twitch or spasm.  12 hours later the symptoms came back but this time it was rapid heartbeat and some shortness of breath. At maybe 18 hours my rightside of my lower back of my side was a little pain their however, I dont know if its a symptom becasue I could have been sitting wrong on the couch. After 24 hours I had headache again and seems every time that I would try to lay down for bed I would have some head pain in the back of my head like where my neck and ear are and have abnormal breathing.  Like symptoms would act up if I would lye down.  I took an Allegra that had been expired for a few years last night that I found in the cabinet and it didn't seem to help.  Today now had a muscle spasm in my finger and still have this headache in the back of the head, arm felt weird but I can't tell if it was symptom or not, so things seem to be getting worse.  Need some help on what to do.  Thanks
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