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When I smoke hookah

I barley started smoking hookah. I've done it about 6 times and the last 3 times I can only take a couple puffs from it because i start to get hot, sweaty, light headed and i feel like getting a headache. my body starts feeling like if it was pumping or i guess you could say like a pulse beating faster and faster. I have to stop smoking and lay down or sit down for it to go away and i cant move or else it will get worser. Also my throat starts hurting and feels like it burns, but i am guessing thats normal when smoking hookah.So is this an allergic reaction or what can it be??
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STOP immediately! And quit for good. Prett sure you're allergic to it!
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haha you are smoking the reef out of it i assume..  i know if i take a few good rips of some good herbs i get hot flashes and sweat a little, and if you werent used to it i could see you getting a headache.. again the best advice would be to not smoke the reefer but if your going to try taking smaller hits.
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