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Cipro Allergy?

3 weeks ago I was prescribed Ciproflaxcin for a prostatsis, I took the Cipro for about a week and a half when I about 5 days into the prescription I began to experience major burning pain in my muscles, joints, and neck. After day 9 the pain was unbearable so I stopped and three days later went to the ER for treatment, I told them I had a bad reaction to the Cipro so they changed my prescription to Bactrim which almost immediately dropped my pain level from a level of 8 to a 2 on a 1-10 scale. I’m still experiencing some pain daily and I’m wondering if it’s the Cipro still affecting my body or is it is it something else? Prior to taking Cipro I had bouts of numbness in my right arm and leg as well as yearly severe chest congestion but after it seems like all my prior conditions got worse. How can I fix this?
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