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allergic to new TV?

I have been dealing with post viral fatigue in the past 5 months and just started to feel better about 2 weeks ago.  I decided to buy a new LCD tv which I received about week and a half ago and ever since I have been feeling sick.  Fatigue, headaches, joint aches and dizziness.  can a plastic or new TV cause all of these symptoms.  Its strange that timing of the TV delivery and the symptom coincide  any ideas?
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Leave it on straight for 24 hours in a back room or garage. Could be the new burn in smell which usually goes away after 20-40 hours. Some people are sensitive to the smell. The smell does make some people feel sick but I have not heard of your descriptions. However doing a burn in that is letting it stay on for 24 hours should get rid of that smell. It will give all the plastics time to heat up and fume out. Don't add extra heat. Let it do it on it's own.
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though it does seem to be a co-incidence I doubt your symptoms are an allergic re-action to the TV.
Having stated that you should consider the fact that maybe some component of the packing substance could have triggered of a re- action.
You could take an anti-histaminic and see if you feel better.
How ever your symptoms are more in keeping with the post viral fatigue you have been experiencing.
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