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allergic to weed?

i started smoking weed for a week, nothing happened the first few times, one morning i had a strange itchy rash but i just let it go. the next time i got paranoid, couldnt breath , was very confused and the scariest thing i started having violent muscle spasms all over my body,i was consciously fine and i was not paranoid anymore,it felt like i was being electrocuted but without the pain and i could feel it go up and contract my spine and jerk my head violently to one side, it would start from my big toe then end at the top of my head, this happened for an hour.  i smoked with two other people nothing was wrong with them
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of myoclonic jerks or drug induced myoclonus. Such disorder is not well studied and it is not clear that, why it occurs in some individuals. In such case you may be prone for such attacks in the future. Hence, you need to avoid the exposure to such drugs. These drugs (marijuana) crosses blood brain barrier wherein it can start the cortical impulses leading to such abnormal muscular spasms. It can commonly associated with convulsions.

The main line of treatment in such condition would be anti convulsants.  Drugs like Levetiracetam, Piracetam, Clonazepam or Valproic acid is found to be useful in treating such condition and can be taken against prescription. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.

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I too have experienced these same reactions to marijuana. I remember last year I smoked a fairly small ammount of weed with a few friends on a "puff-puff-pass
rotation." I remember the night clear as crystal. I was sitting on a plush tan couch. It was very cold outside. After a total of 3 hits I remember my throat
closing up on me. Then,as weird or physco as this sounds, "I WAS NOT THERE BUT I WAS." The room was there.The tv in the room was there. The bumping music was there. I, however, was in a
zone or state of mind far more disturbing then where I had been. There was no laughter,giggles, or laid back euphoria as described by several pot users. There was only this utter fear that pulsed through my veins. My heart racing
soo fast and at such rapidity it could explode and leave the room covered in blood. My body went into this state of tundra (coldness being a symptom of overdose). My muscles that I use in everday life for imperative tasks started to
not only spasm but convulse. Finally, my mind my psyche became disoriented and out of wack. I rubbed my hand over my hair to feel numbness. Time stood still. I was literally stoned and incabible of preforming the simplest of tasks such as
putting on my shoes. I managed to get out of that dim room and get to my car. I was scared for my life and wellbeing at that point like never before.DEATH was all that flooded
my mind.I then made the second biggest mistake of that night DRIVING. I couldn't stay over my buddies house. They had been egging me on to smoke more and more and more. I needed and
escape. Funny how many people get high for just that:an escape. The ride home was horrid! I had to turn on every dome light in my car and almost blow the speakers out with loud music to keep myself from fading totally. Thank God I made it
home with no harm. When I arrived to my house I remember the great insomnia I had. Convulsing trying to sleep.I ate and drank some juice to no avail. I then woke up in the morning and couldnt't shake this. It was still with me when I woke up for about 5 hours. The only way
it came out is when I hade diarhea for then entire day. I know that weed has a negative affect on me because,like a fool, this happend EVERY SINGLE TIME I SMOKED BEFORE THIS. No matter what blend or type. Whether it be "sour diesel","cotton candy", or everyday "reggie", they
all affected me like this. How do you then call this a one-time bad experience? How do you write this off as some "bad" weed? These are solid facts not some fallacy or fairytale by some crazed individual.
I am living proof that one can TRIP on marijuana. I am happy to see that there are people on here who express the same experiences and questioning associated with this.
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I smoked a two puffs out of a joint last Wednesday, I too had my heart rate really high and became anxious and paranoid the whole night. I didn't sleep at all till the next day. However, on Sunday morning I woke up with a weird numbing sensation on the back of my brain, kind of warm. Later in the day I felt nervous, had trouble breathing, and disoriented. i ended up going to the ER, where they only diagnosed me with a headache which it was not. Up to today I still feel nervous and at times paranoid because I don't feel right. I feel disoriented, brain dead, i can see everything but I can't seem to focus. I'm worrying a lot about it I don't feel like I am here. Its been my third time smoking it, I never really do. Somebody please help me, I want to feel normal again its been a week I need help.
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Heyy i recently tried some weed, only half a joint mixed with some baccy, and about 2 minutes after finishing it and stubbing the remains of it out i felt rather sick. I hadnt eaten anything and i knew i couldnt throw up, but it felt like i was going to constantly and i barely made it upstairs to the bathroom. i dont have a gag reflex and i couldnt get anything out even if i tried so all i could do was collapse on my mates floor and wait for the pains in my stomach to stop. I also shook quite alot, like a violent shivering motion for about 15 minutes. I couldnt focus on anything but i had perfect functioning of my hearing and i could speak fine. I woke up a couple of hours later absolutely fine but i missed out on a great night and i dont know what happened. Can anyone help out with what the f*** happened??
Much love to all xxx
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man same i get really bad anxiety attacks had to stop completely
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Dude I get the same thing. I've ben smoking alot ot pot latley, and I did last night, and all day i've been feeling delerious and confused, just very disoriented. I also have a rash, its making my hands red, burn and itch, im also itchy elsewhere, almost everywhere. When I smoke I always twitch. I really am starting to think im allergic to weed. I never get munchies either. Idk the itching is pretty bad, I think people like us should stop smoking pot all together lol, ill just drink
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