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(allergies) dark verticle lines on each side of nose

Over the past five years I became allergic to perfumes and other air chemicals and pollutants such as fumes from school bus or chemical plants.  Lots of blowing due to sneezing.  Itchy eyes and nose to name a few.  I have developed dark and thick vertice lines on each sides of my nose.  It almost look like I wear glasses but I don't.  I have tried the neti pot and allegy medications and nasal sprays that temporarily reduce the discomfort.  Have tried many different fade creams for the dark verticle lines on the sides of my nose but sometimes the lines get darker because the ingredients will  irratate the skin due to my skin condition (dermatitas).  Does anyone have a solution to the allergy and the dark nasal lines.
2 Responses
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1948690 tn?1333468068
There really is no good treatment to make the lines fade as this is an engorgement of blood vessels due to allergic irritation ("allergic shiners").  I would recommend you see your primary care physician for prescription allergy medication like a nasal steroid spray or an antihistamine by mouth.  If medical treatment does not work, you might want to see an allergist or an ENT who does allergy testing for further treatment.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey newnose.

Welcome to the forum.
Seek an "Allergy Antidotes" or "NAET" trained Doctor or Practitioner.
They can facilitate drugless allergy elimination (Energy medicine).
I use  the"Allergy Antidotes" with very satisfactory results.
Just do a search for your area.
The dark nasal lines should dissipate over time,
following successful treatment.
Wish you well.
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