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Sudden onset of Allergies

I am a 20 year old female who has recently developed a large amount of food allergies all at once. I have been food allergy (and and environment) tested and I am allergic to soybean, onion, olive, potato, spinach, asparagus, cantaloupe, green peas, almond, walnut, cashew, peanut, black/pinto beans, and some other fruits. I am also severely allergic to almost everything outside. I have had a spike in my blood pressure along with these allergies as well as severe anxiety. I do not understand what is going on with my body! Even thought I avoid these foods the best I can I still do not feel well. I have had a lot of trouble breathing recently, too. However, I am told that I do not have asthma. What is happening to me and why?
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612551 tn?1450022175
You say suddenly, at what age did this problem become evident?  

I think the best, maybe only, approach is to take on a very restricted diet which is known to be fee of the items you have been found allergic to.  This will result in a very boring diet, may help one lose weight too. It may take some trial-and-error determining what boring diet works.  Once that has been established add something back in, just one new item, and watch.  If no outcrop then add another.  Keep good records and you may be able to expand you diet to a more interesting selection.

The above is an attempt to address your "why" question, my other answer is "life isn't fair".  Good luck - Thanksgivin day may be a hard day to restrict diet maybe you can start with turkey (poultry) as your key protein source.  Find a vegetable you can eat but avoid grains which can give problems for some, dairy too can be a general problem.
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When I say suddenly I mean 2 months ago. I had a burrito and the next week had hives around my eyes. I've been on prednisone on and off for the past 2 months. As far as weight loss goes, I'm 5'3" and down to 102lbs. I need to gain weight if anything. I've been on a strict diet and still having problems - that's why I'm so concerned.
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