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sushi allergy?

I have been eating sushi for 27 years.
On occasion I will experience tightness of throat.
In my 20s I have reacted severly to shitake mushrooms. Severe tightness of throat.
One trip to the ER.  
I avoid them and keep bendril in my wallet.

This year I have, only after eating sushi, between 5 and 7 hours after eating sushi (same place everytime, nearly the same food) experienced the following:

After 5-7 hours
wake up due to itchy palms and feet
go to bathroom and realize face, nose, lips are swollen and flushed.
Entire body is flushed and covered in hives.
Itchy all over.
Throat is tight.

I take 100mg of benedril and take a long bath.

In 2 hours I'm back to normal and am really tired all day.

It totally sucks!

Currently I am reducing my usual order and trying to determine who the culprit is.

Please advise.
6 Responses
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I have the same problem, I've been eating sushi for years (I'm 66) but on several occasions when I was stressed (eating while working) my throat closed while eating sushi, couldn't swallow anything even water, had to wait 10 min for it to pass and then eat very carefully, also just now after eating sushi at home, I could not swallow a vitamin pill easily (throat was tight).  Strange reaction, only happens eating sushi (salmon mostly).
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Glad to know that the post was of some help to you.

It is nice to know that you are doing good now.

Do keep us updated.

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I am fine now and have been since Saturday. Thanks :-)

I will contact a doctor and get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime I plan to (with Benedril in hand) limit my sushi order to one thing and isolate the culprit.

I will update the post with new info as it develops.

Thanks for your help!
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Glad to know that the post was of some help to you.

How are you doing now?

The symptoms point towards an allergic reaction, but the exact course of events and the time - line can only be commented upon by your doctor.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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Thanks for the advice.

Any thoughts on my symptoms? I searched for similar ones on line but had no luck.
The time required to react I'd what I find most curious.

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You should try to avoid substances that you have documented allergies to.

You could also consult an allergy specialist and get yourself tested for food allergies.

Nothing can be said with surety without a proper clinical examination and certain investigations.

Have you had allergic reactions in the family?

Let us know what your doctor advises.

Let us know if you need any other information and post us on how you are doing.

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