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Disrupted sleep due to congestion

For some time now I have had problems sleeping and wake up at 5am having difficulty swallowing. It feels like I have the end congestion of a cold Sometimes I cough up discoloured mucus as well. Have seen my dr several times but he has perscribed omniparazole obviously thinking it is a digestive problem. Blood tests have come back ok. This disrupts my sleep every night. As soon as I awake and start the day although tired I'm fine. Any advice would be a great help. I have thought it might be an allergy and have tried excluding certain foods but nothing seems to work.  
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, the possible causes of cough with sputum are Gastroesophageal reflux, Laryngopharyngeal reflux, Respiratory tract infection, chronic bronchitis, Bronchiectasis etc.

You doctor may be suspecting acid reflux. That is why he prescribed omeprazole. But you seem to have eiether chornic bronchitis or bronchial asthma secondary to allergy esp. in the early morning.

You need to undergo lungs radiograph to rule out chronic bronchitis, Spirometry for lung function tests. You may be allergic pollens which may be released in the morning. In such cases try keeping your windows closed at night. You can go for centrally acting cough suppressants, mucolytics and steam inhalation after consultation from physician, as well as appropriate therapy. Take care and regards.
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1404352 tn?1281165006
Maybe it could be the blankets you are sleeping with? It could even be that there is something else that the doctor is not catching. Take a hot shower with steam to clear your nose and chest before you go to sleep. Maybe it could be your tonsiles? You could go to a ears, nose and throat specialist and ask about that. That same proplem happened when I had an infection on my tonsiles.
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