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Red Itchy spots and rash on Right half of my body.

I have Red Itchy spots on my Face, Neck, and the front of my shoulder. There is also a rash on my chest. They appeared suddenly a couple days ago, but it started as only one spot on my face, now it has spread. The funny thing is, The spots (and Rash) only appear on the right half of my body.

I had something like this happen to me before, but it was when I was very little and had a violent allergic reaction to lady bugs, but back then my eyes had swollen shut and I had trouble breathing.  Currently nothing is swollen and I can breathe just fine.

Do you think this is allergy related?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, yes, your condition seems to be allergy related and is suggestive of  Atopic dermatitis (AD), which is a chronic inflammatory skin diorder. There is abnormal barrier presents in the skin which gets disrupted upon exposure to the allergen. It is quite unusual to be present on one half of the body.

The allergen can be in the form of excessive bathing, low humidity environments, emotional stress, xerosis (dry skin), overheating of skin, and exposure to solvents and detergents. Avoiding these situations is helpful for acute flares as well as for long-term management.

In such condition maintenance of adequate hydration of the skin is quite important. Which includes thick creams (eg, Eucerin, Cetaphil, Nutraderm), which have a low water content, or ointments (eg, petroleum jelly, Aquaphor, Petrolatum), which have zero water content, are better.

Along with above measure use of anti histamines and corticosteroids will help to reduce itching of the skin as well as rash.

Rash can also be due to certain infections, the possibilities are tick-associated rash illness, lymes disease, viral- measles, chicken pox, rosella, leptospirosis etc. Serological tests may be needed to rule out above mentioned disease (not necessary if allergy is confirmed).

I suggest you to consult dermatologist. Take care and regards.
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Yes, I recommend you see your doctor.
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