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red swolen spots on my skin.  Upper arms, stomac, upper legs and ancles.  Itchy and feeling very tired
4 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
ahaha that'll do it especially sea food or nuts..actually anything that you are sensitive to .what did you eat that last 24 hours before the outbreak ?.
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Thank you to all.  Did go for blood work.  Allergy gone after 3 weeks!!!! Watchng food intake.  Looks like it is some food allergy.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Have you used any new cream , shower gel, different materials in clothing, underwear ?  Have you been outside in the sun , near any allergens like cactus plants ?
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3060668 tn?1340675902
you could be experiencing a food allergy. These typically cause red itchy hives to spread all throughout your body for 12-24 hours. If the problems go away, then you're fine, if not, see a dermatologist at your earliest convinence. In the meantime, try using some type of lotion that can provide itching relief since it can be bothersome.
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