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my daughter is 4years old and had a slight ear infection the doctor at the emerg dept. prescribed her the amoxicilan for 10days at 10mls each time she took it  once in the moring and once at night each with food
my question is she broke out in a full body rash from head to toe  can she now be allergic to certin foods and if so which ones do you know of
thank you
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yes, it's possible she is allergic to some foods, but I would think it's more likely she's having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.  Even if she's had it before, she can still develop an allergy to it.

Some of the most common food allergies are:

peanuts or other nuts

I would call her pediatrician and see if he suggests stopping the amoxicillin and if so, if there is something else he can prescribe for her.
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I really think she his allergic to the antibiotic, you should consult a doctor, don't give it again before consulting a doctor, an allergic reaction can go bad to worse really quickly...
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