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asthma and pregnancy

i am 22wks pregnant and have asthma. is my unborn baby at risk and what can i do to reduce the risks to my baby
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You really need to discus this with your doctors - OB/GYN and your asthma doctor.  

Generally the thought is that the mother not breathing well is worse for the baby than any possible affects from asthma medications.  That could depend on exactly what you are taking though.  So, check with your doctors.  

Also, you are well passed the first trimester which makes a lot of medications safe that aren't in the first trimester.  

Take care and God bless.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey mazet247.

Look into Buteyko breathing techniques.
These proper breathing techniques have helped hundreds of thousands
of asthma sufferers reduce their attacks, their meds and or eliminate asthma completely.
Yamoa powder is a natural asthma remedy from a gum tree in Africa.
It is important to look into this soon, because of your pregnancy.
Please do your own research first or check with your health care professional
before making any decisions regarding your health.
Blessings to you and your family,
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, asthma is one of the most common medical problem in pregnancy. With the treatment with appropriate agents, it can be properly controlled and risks to the baby can be avoided.

First we will talk about risks. In asthma there is increased risks of vomiting, vaginal bleeding, increased blood pressure, complicated labor, neonatal mortality, premature baby, hypertensive disorders, and low birthweight infants.

The steps you need to follow are. Monitor your lung function time to time by regular follow up. Avoid  environmental triggers like tobacco smoke, dust, and environmental pollutants. Stay away from pets and antigens from house– dust mites. Regarding medications, low dose of short acting beta 2 agonists and corticosteroids by inhalation route is safe and should only be taken after consulting your doctor. Take care and regards.
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