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asthma and smoking

i have asthma and i smoke but i dont get sick.but i have asthma every morning or eating any seafood.i  have a friend who everytimes smoke have asthma.why is that?
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209987 tn?1451935465
Asthma can affect people in different ways and for different reasons.
Your's seems to be allergy related asthma.
Try to avoid seafood. Have testing done to determine what you are allergic to.

Your friends lungs are more sensitive than your's and he should give it up.
You'll find that your asthma will worsen eventually from the smoking as well.

I'm not going to preach to you about the effects of smoking, but for your own health reasons....I would suggest quitting as soon as you can.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Try to keep Asthma symptoms under control. Steroid inhalers are used regularly for prevention of attacks. The steroid content is very low in an inhaler and only acts locally. Use will prevent the causative allergens from triggering an attack. Repeated cold with nasal blockage can trigger attacks. Keep the nostrils clear of blockages by using nasal drops or sprays and try steam inhalation. To improve lung function practice breathing exercises and quit smoking.  Lung function tests could further help in evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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