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bloody nose then headache

I woke up this morning and while i was eating breakast i got a bloody nose in my right nostril. after the bloody nose stopped i got a mild headache. it has been 6 hours and i still have the headache and a constant drip in the back of my throat. One other weird thing... the exact same thing happened to my mother yesterday... does anyone have a clue as to what might be going on????????
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563773 tn?1374246539

Nose bleed is called epistaxis.It is very common due to local inflammatory diseases, infections, and trauma.Sometimes liver disorders,sinus and nasopharyngeal abnormalities or serious causes like bleeding disorders and leukmias can also cause epistaxis.

As you are having epistaxis and headaches,so the chances of sinus headaches is there.Are you having any nasal congestion along with?

Whenever nose bleeds occur,apply direct pressure by squeezing the nostrils together for 5-20 mintutes.Keep the head elevated but not hyperextended so that blood does not spill in the pharynx.Also use a humidifier at home as epistaxis is sometimes caused by dryness in the home.If still bleeding occurs,then it is better to consult an ENT specialist so that saline nasal spraying and packing can be done.

Hope this helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted if you have any additional doubts.

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thank you so much for all of the information, you seem very knowledgeable about what is happening to me. I'm hoping its allergies or dry air in my home and not something worse. Thanks again for your help =)
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