1378381 tn?1444866015

Allergy to something in alcoholic beverages

Since I started drinking alcohol I've been having issues with reactions to many.
I seem to have an allergy to wheat (i've known since i was young, as i get gas when i ingest too much)

Basically to list off a few things i've had issues with.
Any beers.
Smirnoff Ice,
Cheap mixed alcohols.
Cider.(apple and pear)
This can include rose wine too (but think thats a nut allergy)

In all of the above i get a constricting windpipe. And in some cases Mostly with Smirnoff Ice agonising chest pain and inability to breathe.

Because of this I obviously avoid almost every alcohol sticking to vodka. Which as most people know isnt the best.
Its not exactly something I want to say to my doctors, um i seem to be allergic to something in all these alcohols.
I just kinda want to see if anyone else has the same issue (It isn't the alcohol content i know that much).
Just thinking what should I do?

(Im also finding im getting allergies to more and more things, i start okay or a small reaction and it gets worse the more i consume it)

Any info is helpful x

5 Responses
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1809109 tn?1331803777
Yeah I really recommend talking to a dr about other allergies. So for now, just stay with vodka, better safe than sorry. It may suck, but you don't need all the much alcohol anyways ;)
Helpful - 0
1378381 tn?1444866015

Yeah I avoid as much as possible everything that makes me have the allergy. But it really ***** because I can't always make sure.
Im terrified to try new drinks incase I have a reaction now so thats just crappy.
Its hard to make sure theres no wheat stuffs.. I stopped eating bread and everything too and it seems to have helped, but i still get allergies off random stuff =/
When im out drinking i cant get too drunk just because I can't always control what I get given. I've stopped drinking. and it kinda ***** going out now.
I think I may go see doctors =/ they know about my touch allergy to wheat and similar things n the farm feilds =/.
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1809109 tn?1331803777
It's a wide list of possibilities, given that it's not all beer. But many who are allergic to beer are allergic to three things: barley, gluten, or hops.

It sounds like its a pretty serious allergy so it's worth trying to figure out, but you should stay away from everything that causes an reaction. I'd suggest talking to your dr about getting tested for those three allergies and ask if there's anything else that could be causing a reaction. Then perhaps you should try going off gluten for three weeks and seeing if things get any better for you.
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1378381 tn?1444866015
well i have a touch allergy to wheat and its pollen (i lived out on farm land llst year and during the pollen season for wheat i had the worst hayfever. and after being in a wheat feild i got a rash up all my body that touched it and swollen up for hours after) i also can't eat wheat-a-bix or more than 3slices of bread without have a very smelly and sore tummy.

im not entirely sure i just knw that my air ways constrict after only a few sips of any of these products.
the cider just makes me ill. the beers make my stomach upset.

hence i dont know what i should say or do about it.

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1809109 tn?1331803777
Are you allergic to wheat itself or gluten? Because I know several of those above have barley-which has gluten. Perhaps you should talk to your dr to see about gluten. Although this wouldn't make much sense for the cider, many are gluten free. :/
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