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Muscle aches from allergies

Can allergies cause muscles to ache?  Bad allergy season for all us sufferers, but my thigh muscles have been aching very bad.  I do have arthritis, but this is not the same thing.
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      Allergies can manifest with a wide range of symptoms like rash, swelling, rhinitis, muscle aches, stuffy nose, sneezing, itching, dry eyes, fatigue etc. Only muscle ache could be due to injury, sprain, abnormal position for long periods of time etc. I would recommend that you consult a physician for further examination and confirmation of the cause for this. Best.
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Yes but allergies can trigger and inflamation of your arthritis, so take tylenol or other mild painpills,  it should help
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Thank you for the response to my question.  I do take tylenol arthritis only when necessary.  I  am also into homepathic solutions.  Any ideas what would ease the aching?  I am a walker and have been unable to do my walking as much as I would like too.  Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Thank you for the response to my question.  I have told my dr. about my muscle aches.  We have ruled out fibromyalgia.  She suggests I see a rheumatologist, but I think I should see allergist.  Can't afford to see both.  My medical insurance is not the best.  I do have sinus problems.  Which would you recommend?  Any advice is greatly appreciated
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