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horrible skin problems after dental implants

I had 3 dental implants put in 10 months ago.  I also had a dental implant bridge done on another part of my mouth that same month.  Up until that time, I was very healthy person and had no problems with my skin.
A month after implants, I started developing tiny boil-like eruptions on my thighs with much inflamation under the skin.  I also started to have many, many tiny red bumps all over my body.  I'm a mess and clothing hurts me horribly.  I have to hid my body and wear only very soft clothes.  The eruptions are like tiny painful boils and many, many small red bumps.  I have been to my primary doctor several times, 10 dermatologists, 2 infectious disease doctors.  My bloodwork is perfect.  I have taken cortisone for 9 months and am now taking antihistimines.  I still am breaking out all over.  I went to an allergist and found out I am allergic to gold, nickel as well as other things.  The dentists say that this could not possibly from dental work as I have no pain or inflamation in the mouth.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can go for help.  I don't even know what type of doctor to see.
I would hate to pull out the 3 implants because of the expense.  I am trying to find out if there is any way to recover from this type of situation.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
7 Responses
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Please go to the titanium/vanadium/aluminum forum site!

You will see numerous responses over the last year with similar responses, I just had 4 dental titanium implants removed 5 months ago.   You have an allergy or had a toxic reaction, you need to have them removed or you will not get better.  It has happened to lots of us.  It takes awhile after they are out but you will get better!!  
Doctors aren't helpful or knowledgeable.  This has happened to about 4% of us.  Read all about this in the above forum.

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Hi Estring,
Thank you so much for replying.  I am new to this site - but I have read some of your other posts where you mentioned this.  I tried to find it then, but am having a horrible time locating the titanium/vanadium/aluminium forum.  Could you tell me exactly how to find it?  Is that a sub-directory under another forum?
Thank you again.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I am not certain but I think it is on this forum ..scroll down .
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They have just rearranged their website.  The old one was much easier to use and this one confusing.  The other forums used to be listed at the end of the page but now it's not.

Type in titanium/vanadium/aluminum and a page will come up and there will be 1 post.  Click on that post and the forum will come up.  You will be shocked at what you will read from all of us.

Will help in any way I can.  Get back to me if you can't find it.

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How are you doing?   Did you check out the titanium site?  Let me know.
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Thanks Estring telling the truth.  I am having red bumby rashes since I put a dental implant.  Mouth is fine so every specialsit says it is coincidental but after so much steriod I am not improved.  Now I am planning to take this implant removed.   Thanks a lot.  It is making me better by knowing that the reason I am getting problem id ue to implant and the solution take it out and never insert a foreign object in the body in future.
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I am Vicky. Do sorry to hear of your suffering since your filthy heavy metal implants. I have 4 on the bottom. $25,000 later I have malicious, relentless boils, sores, itching, scarring behind my ears, down my neck and often on scalp with intermittent sores on forehead, chin and under neck. Been battling these with everything possible. Blood is good. But can hardly bear anymore after 4 years! They knew at Clear Choice Dr Michael Brooks in Was. That I am Metal sensitive and I stressed this. But found out they used A Titanium Alloy ofwith Venadium and Aluminum! The last 2 are toxic heavy metals! Of course I'm sick and unable to heal. Our bodies are not made to carry embedded Heavy Metals. I am going to doctors of all kinds and feeling like a dang fool when they find Nothing! Well, I know what it is and THEY should reimburse me for lying and damages to my brain with Aluminum which is known to cause Alzheimer's and Dementia not to say the load on liver and kidneys. I am inconsolable. My Doctor at Clear Choice used implants he'd never used before and he sold his Practice within 4 months after my implants. Any ideas on how to rid our body of toxic metals other than removal? I am a pro singer and cannot have No teeth!
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Try alternative  NAET with a chiropractor.  This is a method for allergies and should the chiropractic have many vials, will be able to help with other symptoms.  

I have used this method over 10 years.  After doing the allergies protocol, I have used for metals, virus, bacteria,  blood sugar and after dental procedures. NO NEEDLES.  

I am much healthier today.
More alternatives info. There is another method that is a higher form of accupunture.  BAX 3000 and BAX Aura.

In have used this in addition to NAET.

The BAX requires a Detox from different allergens.  Once this is done, can work on specific issues.  My immune system improved greatly.  

Good luck. Sorry for your suffering.  I finally tried alternative when with all the failures from traditional medicine.  
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