97615 tn?1212678589

cholinergic urticaria/hives

I have exercise induced urticaria.  I want to know if anyone else has this and if so what causes it and what can you do to control it without a prescription.  I am desperate.  I am a runner that does not want a prescription.  I suffer from asthma and the hives are worse when my asthma is worse.  I am not taking anything for asthma except for an inhaler at the moment.  I am tired of depending on drugs.  I know that may sound ignorant but I want to help myself to help itself if you know what I mean.
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1653132 tn?1301852306
I have had CU for 6 months now.  Unfortunately for me nothing has worked.  I feel bad complaining because I RARELY have the actual physical hives, (only with pressure, or sun), but I ALWAYS have the itch.  I mean the itch is constant and it's been all day every day for the past 6 months. I've tried Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton, Zantac (in combo with one of the antihistamines), Hydroxyzine, Xyzal, Allegra, Doxepin, and Prednisone.  Predinisone, unfortunately was the only thing that ever took the itch completely away but I was only on two one-week treatments.  I was on a very low dose of doxepin (10mg), but from what i've read it seems those suffering from CU get relief from 100-150 mgs. I also read that it can take a few weeks to kick in.  Has anyone had experience with Doxepin?  If so, did it work for you?  Additionally, if any other CU sufferers out there have a medicine combo that worked for you, please share.  I'm borderline losing my mind!!
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I have spent the past year being mis-diagnosed by allergists and dermatologists.  I am currently on Claratin, Zyrtec, Zantac, Xyal and then take benadryl for bad flair ups.  I get UC so bad I get swelling on my face and in my left eye - I don't know why.  I'm just exhausted with this disease.  I also have a mild allergy to my dogs and several things which are in almost every soap, shampoo and beauty product.  So on to pf UC - I have to throw out all of my beauty products because even cross-contamination with all of my other products.  I'm thinking of going tanning just to camoflouge my breakouts.

And if joining the Army actually works I would - but I'm 33.  This just *****!!
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I have had CU for over 5+ years. Recently, I started taking Cetirizine (Zyrtec) and Ranitidine (Zantac). Weird combo, but according research Zyrtec is a H1 antagonist and Zantac is a H2 antagonist. When implementing both, they work better than just one. This combo has helped me for 2 days. I went into the doctor and she said that this is the safest cure for now. Supposedly, there are other treatments according to the DR. I take this combo every morning and it has worked for 2 days, hopefully it works! In a month, I will be heading back to the DR and look for other treatments.

Try this out!!

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Hello fellow sufferers.  So I have this dreaded exercise/heat induced cholinergic urticaria.  After much trial and error, I gave up wheat.  That cured it.  The allergist said I don't have a wheat allergy (and could also not diagnose my problem).  I'm not sure if it's the wheat or the glutin, but I gave up wheat and after about a week or so, it's gone.  And, I had it BAD.  I pray for you that your fix is as easy, b/c I know the struggle.  I miss bread and cookies and cake and cereal, and maybe I can add these in in small amounts in the future, but presently I'm too happy to risk it.  

I'm also hoping it goes away in the summer like it does for most people and I can eat wheat when the weather is hot, but like I said, I just don't want to risk it knowing what a (literal) pain in the, well you know......

Good Luck.

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I've had this for about ten years (dx age 25).  One day I was running and it felt like bees were stinging my thighs.  The itch was so painful I felt close to vomiting.  I thought I had poison ivy or was allergic to some chemical in my running pants.  Every time I tried to run, it came back.  I saw an allergist, he dx me with exercise induced urticaria (I also have exercise induced asthma which was dx about 3 years prior to the urticaria) and he gave me several different prescriptions for things I don't remember because I later discovered that generic, over the counter Claritin (Loratadine), taken the night before running (at least 8 hours before) keeps me from itching and it solves the asthma too.  I buy a pack of 30 every couple months, for about $5.  No inhalers, no prescriptions, no symptoms anymore.  Thank goodness.  Good luck everyone.
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I have had cholinergic uticaria for about 6 years in that time i usualy only get outbreaks 6 months out of the year (oct- march). VERRY WIERD, I KNOW. When I do get them I try to swim for my exercise. In the water I dont get breakouts.I hope this can help some of you cope with this horible disorder/ disease.                                            
                                                                                                                                                   good luck
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