2078156 tn?1331939171

chronic nonallergic rhinitis

Hello all, my name is Adam.  I've been suffering with trouble breathing, excessive mucus (it feels like I am congested with mucus all the time), and especially nasal congestion for about 3 years.  I just had endoscopic surgery, as well as having my tonsils removed.  My throat has healed up fine, however, even though they found quite a few polyps, had them removed, and just yesterday I saw the doctor and he said everything looked clear, and that he wouldn't prescribe antibiotics because everything looked clear.  When I asked why I still had trouble breathing and feeling congested, he said "I don't know".  I have called the agency that referred me to this doctor to let them know that I don't think this is a good doctor.  But anyway, in the mean time, I'm trying to do everything that I know for sinus congestion:

- Rinsing 3 times a day
- Eating only light food, like soup and salad
- Using steroid nasal spray once a day
- Using saline nasal spray often throughout the day
- Taking showers to breathe in steam
- Using a humidifier
- Getting plenty of exercise, preferably outdoor.

Yet my nose constantly feels dry and my sinuses constantly feel congested, as if with snot/mucus.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Please note, I am very poor, and the "agency" I referred to earlier is a county agency that helped me connect with a doctor willing to do surgery on me pro-bono.  So I don't have a lot of money to throw around to try expensive new treatments.  Thanks, ~Adam
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
I think the problem is that your nose/sinuses are still swollen.
Swelling can make you feel congested...just ask any pregnant woman...she will tell you that she feels the same way you do...and it's because of blood vessels that have swollen.

You are doing all you can at the moment.
For additional ideas please see the Alternative Therapies or Complementary Medicines Forums. The people there are great, and they can give you many more ideas.
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2078156 tn?1331939171
do you think it's just taking an extra long time for me to heal from the surgery then?  It's been a month since the surgery now.  ~Adam
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2078156 tn?1331939171
I also wonder if I might have this: http://www.webmd.com/allergies/features/nasal-spray-are-you-overdoing-it -- Rhinitis Medicamentosa -- because this all started after I overused Afrin 2 or 3 years ago, it seems.  Or at least it got a lot worse.  I've always struggled with colds and drainage issues.
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