1183343 tn?1300883165

chronic throat clering.disgusting

hi i am 30 yrs old male from india.i am having some problem since more than 1.5 years.i do throat clearing all the time .more throat clearing after eating. as if a small mucus is stucked in my throat,which is not comming out.i was admitted for this in hospital.they have lots of tests including ct scan of chest,mri scan of throat,barium meal,endoscopy,24 hr esophagal ph monitoring,usg,blood tests.all are normal.no GERD.what should i do now?
please help me.

e thing i must tell u.this started at sep.2009.at that time,one day i sprayed baygon spray(for killing bugs and moquitoes) in my room ,and then i had to sleep in that room.since then my problem increased.there was some smell of spray.

i am doing this for 1 and half years.now i cant cough and hawk anymore.pls help. ..

This discussion is related to loratadine has stopped working for me.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
This constant nose clearing can be due to post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions, or impairment in the normal clearance of mucus from the nose and throat.

Various causes for chronic post nasal drip are allergies, viral infections, deviated nasal septum, chronic sinusitis, adenoid enlargement and diseases like sarcoidosis and GERD.

Please discuss these options with an ENT specialist and get yourself examined.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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1183343 tn?1300883165
thank you sir,i must tell u i am  a MBBS dr.
i was consulted ENT dr at vellore.there is slight DNS,but they didnt adviced any operation for this.just given Flomist nasal spray..i was consulted at pulmonalogist,they found cough variant asthma,and given inhaler seroflo BD and Asthalin SOS. i am using these for 1and half year now but very little improvement. after eating there is itching at base of throat and  cough.symptom increasing after eating anything and drink.
they refered to psychiatry deplt also but nothing found .
i cant cough and hawk anymore.
pls help.
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