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377012 tn?1283965435


i posted before about my son having recurrent ear & sinus infections after tubes inserted and after coming off meds each time an infection arrises. another poster told me to look up info on candida......i was wondering if children can have candida? and how can i take extra measure in treating it at home as well if he does infact have candida?


RECURRENT: runny nose, low grade fever, allergies, ear & sinus infection, constipation/ or diarreah, diaper rash, twitching, always tired never wanting to go to sleep,

RECENT OCCURENCES: vomitting(ever so often), sore throat, weight loss, problems balancing self, flu like symptoms.


thanks in advance for your advice!!!
16 Responses
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"What I am saying is that CFS is not the cause of your symptoms just a word to describe them."

Precisely. CFIDS is a syndrome and the definition of syndrome is "a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like." Guillain-Barre is also a syndrome that people can get after they have the flu or a flu shot and yet nobody disputes that condition is real. In fact, people have died from GBS.

I'm certainly having success on the Marshall Protocol. If I remember right, the protocol started in 2004 and it can take 2-3 years of treatment on the protocol, especially for those of us with CFIDS. Since I started the protocol, my intolerance to gluten has disappeared.... that result alone is amazing !  My POTS is also better and the only time I have tachycardia is on bad herxing days. In addition, I now have my menses again and family & friends know that I have more energy on the days when I'm not herxing and/or when I'm taking my breaks... they say I don't look as tired as well.

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How is your child doing now? Any symptomatic improvement?

What medications have been prescribed?

Let us know about any other doubts that you have.

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Candida should not occur in a normal healthy person, however I am sure you know the situations that can create an opening for the candida to grow and thrive in a normal healthy person (like antibiotic use, use of "the pill"...) so I won't go into that.  The High ANA, come on you should know that the body will attack the candida and intestines as a foreign substance not to mention leaky gut that candida causes which allows toxins to enter the body and creates autoimmune responses.

POTS, can be caused by magnesium deficiency to name one; and as you should know candida will upset absorption and cause people to be deficient in many vitamins and minerals, which will cause alot of symptoms.  The numerous problems/symptoms caused by candida and different areas affected can easily confuse a doctor to make up a name like CFS so he doesn't have to admit he/she doesn't know what is going on.  Come on you know syndromes are just that, unexplainable happenings...Irritable Bowel Syndrome (oh wow a doctor told me my stomach was upset for some reason when I told him my symptoms included upset stomach), Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (oh wow a doctor told me my dead infant had SIDS and they don't know why it died suddently).

I am not saying you don't have something wrong with you or that I doubt your symptoms, I believe you very much, and I am not saying that candida is your problem.  What I am saying is that CFS is not the cause of your symptoms just a word to describe them.  How has your treatment of CFS gone so far (of course you will probably have to stick to your guns and say you are better or cured, but you know the pain/fatigue and symptoms are still there)?  I have looked into your Marshall Protocol, and people have been trying it for over 5 years with no cure or relief.  I suggest you not give up on yourself, because your symptoms are real and they do have a cause.
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PlateletGal is right - having the correct diagnosis is the most important step in the rightful management of any disease.

Tests for the virus are in fact falsely negative in quite a few cases. But the repeat testing was a good strategy How is your son doing now?

Do follow up with your doctor regularly.

Keep us posted.

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I'm so glad to hear your child has a diagnosis and now he can get treatment ! That is great news !

All the best,


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Glad to be of any help.

Let us know how your child is doing and if you have any more queries going forward.

Best regards.
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377012 tn?1283965435
went to doctor yesterday and found out that he has RSV.....hopefully i can keep him from being put in the hopsital!!!  he was tested 4 times and the fourth time found out it was positive for the virus.....thanks for the advice all!
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Oh and one more question: why was that antiviral drug study at Stanford Univesity (Dr. Jose Montoya) so successful in CFS patients ? Did you know that the one of the co-founder of Petsmart was in the study and as a result, he's now back at work and even hiking ? You may want to do a google search and find the information.

"It's maddening to have something like this and have people not believe you," said Michael Manson, a recipient of the new therapy and one of the founders of PetSmart.

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CFS is certainly not an "imaginery illness".... I know we've talked before and I feel bad that you've come to that conclusion. I also know that it is a diffcult diagnosis to accept... it took me awhile to accept it myself. To tell you the truth, there is controversy about Candida. In a healthy body, yeast problems should not occur. Would you not agree ?

Anyhow, please explain to me why many CFS patients, myself included, have some autoimmunity problems (high ANA titer) and also have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). Also, explain to me why Red Labs USA has a lab test (requires spinal fluid) that is still in the research phase, but diagnosing people with CFS. I'll be patiently waiting for your response.  = )

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Guess what, cigarrette smoke and even other household chemicals and certain scents aggravate people with Candida problems and cause their symptoms to flare (just another reason for you to seriously consider candida).  I can sit here and give you information, but the best is for you do research yourself, and read "The Yeast Connection" if you would like to know more about this.

I hope you at least look into this before a doctor decides it is an infection and gives more antibiotics.

I feel sorry for those that have given up on themselves and settled for an imaginary diagnosis, like CFS.  If I have a hurt back it doesn't help me to have a doctor tell me I have hurt back syndrome.

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I agree with the physician... it certainly sounds like your child has an infection. One thing that comes to mind is that you may want to have your child see a pediatrician or Naturopathic physician who knows about CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction symptom). CFIDS also strikes children. I have CFIDS and can tell you that I can relate to your child's symptoms. I thought I had "bad allergies" for many years, although I had muscle aches and flu like symptoms.

As far as the candida issue, it is my belief that candida is secondary to an immune condition.

Good luck !
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It would be difficult to say exactly whether the symptoms could be due to your smoking or not. But one thing can be said with surety, that cigarette smoking is harmful for you and your entire family.

It is therefore desirable that you try and quit smoking.

Do let us know how the appointment goes and in case you have any more questions let us know. Keep us posted on how you and your family are doing.

Best regards.
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377012 tn?1283965435
his doctor had a family emergency and was out of town....his appt was rescheduled for 10th of next week...which was the soonest they could get him in. symptoms haven't improved except the vomitting has subsided. hopefully he will be ok until then.

his father has really bad allergies as well and while he sleeps he twitches alot too...i smoke and my husband is allergic to cigarette smoke i thought all of my sons symptoms were due to my smoking even though most of the time i hang my head out our bathroom window or i'll go to our t.v. room and turn on the exaust fan that my husband has installed....but sometimes this is hard to do when you have 2 year old hanging on your heels...............could all of his symptoms be caused by cigarettes???????
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How is your son doing now? Has his symptoms shown any improvement? What does the doctor tell you? Were any tests done?

Let us know about any doubts that you have and keep us posted.

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A child can have candida, just like an adult.  For a good source of information you can google, or "The Yeast Connection" is a good book on the subject that really gets into candida/yeast and children; especially the cycle of ear infections, antibiotics use, and yeast growth.  

I can't say it is or isn't candida, but the symptoms and history definitely fit.  I suggest you research it.  At home you can eliminate sugar (even fruits, juice...) and yeast products (cheese, mushrooms, breads/pastries...)  for a period of time and see if there is improvement.  Seeing a doctor would help you identify if this could be the problem and what to do, and it may even be necessary to be prescribed an anti-fungal medication.  But there are steps you can take at home to treat candida, if that is the cause.
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I read what you have said about your child and I empathize with you. It does appear from what you write, that your child has some kind of recurrent infection. On the other hand, it cannot be said with certainty that it is Candida without a proper examination by a pediatrician/ physician.

It would be advisable to consult a pediatrician and get all relevant investigations done to rule out any major illness as a cause of the symptoms. This should not be neglected because it may interfere with a proper growth and development of your child.

It would help to know a little more background/history to know your child's case better.
Please let me know what your doctor says and also if you may any other queries.

Good luck.

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