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cold induced rash

My daughter who is now 2 gets a rash whenever her skin is exposed to cold.I started noticing it last winter, when the air indoors or outdoors is 65 degrees or cooler she gets bumps that are slightly raised and they do not seem to itch. They kind of look like welts and she doesn't seem to even know they are there. I asked her peditrician about it and she doesn't think that it is a problem but she couldn't tell me what the cause was, she just said that babies skin is sensitive and she would most likely grow out of it. It is very annoying to me because other mom's are afraid and tend to pull their children away from mine because they think she has an illness of some sort. I searched this website and found a condition called cold urticaria but I don't know if this is right because it doesn't seem to itch or bother her. She also eats ice and cold drinks and she doesn't complain of anything.(she speaks very well for her age and tells me when she is uncomfortable ex.cold,hot,hurt,itchy,tired.). Any suggestions on what this might be? Thank you.
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Same with me.  I break out in hives every time i am stressed, sometimes for no reason at all, and all the time when it is cold or windy.  They start on my arms and legs and go all over my body from my face and neck to buttocks.  It itches so bad it drives me crazy.  I can't stand to be in my own skin...  I scratch so severely that I am scabbed, scratched, and raw all over.  Wish I knew what to do.  Tried benadryl and that doesn't help.  Everyone thinks I am nuts or have some kind of contagious something.
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my name is amanda,im 26 and in novenmber when it started to get cold out i broke out in hives never knew what it was, i made an appt with my doctor hoping to get answers on what is going on , they put me on benedryl, allegra, everything even creams needles to say it went away after winter but returned in june!! after i went swimming with my daughter , i was in the water for about 15 mins before i decided to get out the water was pretty cold but after a hott day i thought it was perfect for cooling off with in 2 mins of getting out of the water i hit the severe reaction ..... i got instant swelling on my legs n feet yelled for my mom to help me off the ladder n boom thought i could walk but couldnt my blood pressure dropped n my sight n hearing was fading i passed out n was rushed by ambulance!!!! i believe i had a anaphlyptic reaction n mind you im 14 weeks pregnant!!! baby is doing good but im not having much luck with getting a proper diagnosis, and thank god my mom was home n i didnt pass out in pool as i would have drowned!! i really feel like this is a very serious condition and no docor can give me answers!! But im postive this is cold urticaria bc i placed a ice pack on leg for 3 mins and it immediatley welted right up to the size of the ice pack!!!  
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My husband rides a Motorcycle He is 40
Twice This MONTH he has gone out when it was Warm on his Bike wearing a Tshirt but it got colder cause he rode till dark.

His Arms where they were bare were red , Itchy and Bumpy like Flea bites
In a Hour OR less the itch,red,and Bumps are Gone
this Did Not happen Last year

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I have had this condition all of my life.  My Mother took me to the Doctor when I was young but the rash would disappear by the time I got to see the Dr. He prescribed barrier creams etc but nothing has ever worked. I can get this rash all over my body in long term cold but generally starts on hands, feet and face.  I am female and 48 years old and still get it but don't know of anyone else who has ever suffered with it. I have basically just learned to live with it having never had any explaination for it.  Suggestions have been nerve endings too close to surface of skin, allergic reaction, low immunity - who knows?  
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I think the only way to cure this "allergic to cold" is to wear enough clothing and please do not expose your skin to cold weather as I experienced. If I bath early in the morning with not so worm water, then later I will get hives on my legs. It will off within 1 hour. Please do not scratch it. I will put some itcy powder to relief the itcyness. By the way, I am from  Malaysia.
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I think the only way to cure this "allergic to cold" is to wear enough clothing and please do not expose your skin to cold weather as I experienced. If I bath early in the morning with not so worm water, then later I will get hives on my legs. It will off within 1 hour. Please do not scratch it. I will put some itch powder to relief the itchness. By the way, I am from Malaysia.
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