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concussion and then this(????!!!!!????)

Hello.  I had a concussion on march 2...i seemed to recover just fine.  But after a while i noticed each night, my head, my brain feels like it is pushing from the inside, it feels swollen.., feels like the roof of my mouth is pushing up on my head.. i get pressure on the back of the eyes and sometimes sharp pains inside my head when i try to lay down, and now sometimes the moment i fall asleep, i wake myself up with a strange twitch, a full body jerk accompanied with my heart jumping and shortness of breath. Some say its just allergies, but ive felt this way for four months now! My heart also has bothered me, but it might have been my wisdom tooth infection. I called 911 yesterday- I thought i was having a heart attack- and im only 18. I cant exercise or do or be anything i used to be when my head feels like its being crushed from the inside. I have suffered for a long time now. The doctors did an MRI, but of course it was early in the morning and the swollen feeling hadnt taken effect yet...So there goes my blood clot theory. Im hoping its simply my wisdom teeth and it will pass when they come out. Every health professional just scratches their head at my symptoms...since theres nothing in their x rays, oh theres nothing wrong.. But i feel freakin horrible and i dont know what to do! I have (or i thought i had) a long life ahead of me and I dont know what to do to just get back to normal. Every day i catch myself envying everyone else because they dont suffer constantly as i do.
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127512 tn?1193742216
Try posting this on the undiagnosised forum. Good luck.
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A good website is www.5pillars.com.  Since the docs can't seem to figure it out, maybe try a herbalist, or maybe even a iridologist.  Do some research on them, make sure they are good.
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