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cortizone reaction?

I get cortizone shots in my neck for spur related nerve inflamation and in my back for disc related nerve inflamation. These are given along the the nerve line to decrease the inflamation 2-3 times a year. The last 3 times, I developed an itching and minor rash at each injection site. My doctor couldn't figure out what d was causing the problem. I just had cataract laser surgery & was given Prednisone drops. My eye started itching along the inner & outer sides & lids & the lower lid swelled a bit. I began getting the same type of rash on the outer side of the eye where the drops would leak. I was also using Vegamox drops but had been on these for 3 days prior to surgery with no problem. The eye doctor didn't think I could be allergic to the Prednisone but changed the drops anyway and I am much better. Is it possible to be allergic to the Prednisone of one of its components and if so how do I get tested?
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Many of these medications also contain agents in them such as benzl alcohol for example as a preservative.  Other agents which adjust pH levels in the drugs can be the cause of the allergy.

This is why we never use local anesthetics with presevatives when we do a spinal or epidural anesthetic.  

You can speak with your family doctor about your desire to get tested for allergies to these agents.  All that is needed is for the doctor to give you a consult for a allergy clinic.  They will do a scratch test, which is basically very slight scratches with different agents with a blade  (IT DOES NOT HURT)  Then you come back in a day or two and the clinician will measure the results.
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