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allergic reaction to mold and or titanium

Ive been having sever hives for the last 3-4 yes. My dermatologist put me on antihistamines. Nothing has worked. Well, my symptoms have become worse: pain in joints and arms and chest, chronic sinusitis, digestive problems, pain in abdomen. About 3 1/2 years ago my dentisn was doing a root canal and his file broke off in my root area. He told me it was no big deal. We left it in. Now I am wondering if I am allergic to the titanium. I also found mold in my bathroom so I'm wondering if it is mold that is causing symptoms. We always clean it because it is in shower. I had my allergies tested when u was a kid and I know I am allergic to mold... I have a spot to test to see if mold or metals
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Sorry...my automatic spell chech likes to switch words on me. My question is: does anyone know what the dentist file is made out of (titanium and anything else?)and has anyone else had issues with it being left in?
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I had a file separation occur in my root canal...what this means is that they broke a file off in my root and yes it is made of titanium.  I have not had any issues with it thank goodness.  They are typically made out of surgical titanium.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Oh forgot to mention if you were going to have a reaction to the titanium I was told it would occur within about 3 months.  I had to wait to get my crown because of this, so I waited for 6 months to be on the safe side.
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He put my crown on the same time as root canal. I've been dealing with chonic sinuitis for about the same time as root canal. From the research I have found it says the titanium attaches to the protein in your body and the body thinks its a foreign matter.. so I'm not sure about the titanium. I'm trying to rule out everything...thanks for your response
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1666434 tn?1325262350
interesting that they put the crown on right away most dentists in our area make you wait.  I guess there is a ver small percentage allergic to titanium.  keep us posted
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