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coffee causes : anxiety

hello every one , i think this is a strange problem that i ever had in my life and it is causing bad feeling , after i got addicted to coffee i now realised that i got a kind of allergy to caffiene whenever i take only one tea cup or even coke or pepsi i get anxiety irritation and feeling of depression , and inability to concentrate  plus darkness around eyes and i feel my eyes get inside my head   ,, whenever i take caffiene at night i cant fall a sleep and if i could it is a bad sleep and next day get disrupted ,, i started to take anti histamine and i found out that antihistamin alleviate those symptoms ,,  in fact i stopped drinking coffe for 2 weeks but in those 2 wks without coffee i suffered from insomnia and low quality sleep ,, i think am in trouble if anyone could help me and expliain what is happening i would be thankful :(
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Hello there,
It sounds to me like you are sensitive to caffeine. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, coca cola and chocolate. Caffeine is a stimulant. It also makes
your heart beat faster. I don't think you have an allergy to caffeine, but
rather what's known as a sensitivity to caffeine. Caffeine stays in your
body and in your system anywhere from 8 -10 hours. If I were you I wouldn't drink anything that contains caffeine at night, especially coffee.
Drinking regular coffee even decaffeinated coffee at night will cause people
who are sensitive to caffeine insomnia. As I stated earlier, caffeine stays
in your body 8-10 hours. So let's say you drink a cup of coffee at 7:00, by
4:00 in the morning, you would still have the caffeine in your system.
Who gave you the idea of taking antihistamins to help with this problem
of caffeine ?  Not a good idea. So, you're not allergic to caffeine , but
you are sensitive to caffeine. I'm sensitive to caffeine too. That's why I
only have one cup of coffee or 1 cup of tea in the morning at breakfast
and that's all I allow myself. I definitely do no drink coffee or tea at night
because if I did I wouldn't sleep as caffeine is a stimulant. Perhaps if
you stop drinking coffee or tea at night, this would solve your problem too.
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yah exactly i have sesitivity to it ,, should i stop it completely or just drink it in morning ,, thank you very much
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