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delayed reaction to a wasp sting

I was stung by a wasp 4 days ago now, and for 2 days my leg where i was stung was hot, and pretty much red. I applied ice and anti itch cream. it seemed to help. Now, 2 days ago, while driving my car,  my left toes and foot started to swell. I have been putting ice on it, and when I sleep and keep it elevated it seems to be better,this is the same leg that I was stung on. Could this be a delayed reaction to the wasp sting.?? I dont recall ever  being stung by a wasp and i am 49 years old. Thank you.
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563773 tn?1374246539

A bee or wasp sting can cause a skin reaction with redness, swelling, itching, and pain. This is very similar to the appearance of skin that is inflamed by a bacterial infection - a condition sometimes referred to as cellulites.

You can take over the counter antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin.It will help in relieving the itching. If there is any pain involved, then pls take over the counter pain reliever like Ibuprofen(advil).You can also apply a mild hydrocortisone cream like dermacort on the site of the sting.Severe cases may need oral steroids.Also check your tetanus booster dose.If it is more than 10 years since the last tetanus booster,then pls get a tetanus toxoid shot.

Pls look out for infection also. Infection following a sting usually develops 48 to 72 hours after the sting. Symptoms of infection include fever, any reddish streaking traveling up an arm or leg towards the heart, increasing skin warmth, or increasing skin tenderness. Treatment is by antibiotics.

But if you are having skin itching, hives, or puffiness of the eyes, nose, lips, tongue and throat, breathing difficulties and vomitings,then pls consult a physician as soon as possible as it can be due to anaphylaxis.

Hope it helps.If you have any additional queries,then pls post us.
Take care and regards.  

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you did not answer the specific question.... can there be a delayed further reaction to a wasp sting?  I have the same thing right now .... I was stung on a finger and my wrist by wasps .... could see 2 bites on the finger and 1 to 2 bites on wrist.  Took 50mg of diphenhydramine immediately, and had no reaction what-so-ever ... other than the weirdness caused by an antihistamine.
4 to 5 days later, the sting on the wrist flared up and began to itch severely. Upon scratching it a little, it swelled and over the past 2 days has become hot, painful and extremely itchy. I am 50 years old and have recently been bothered by pollen allergies and food intolerance's .... so immune system is pretty hyped up.   You ever heard of such a delay in symptoms?
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Same boat here. was stung 3 days ago on the back of my ankle, stung like crazy at the time but I just walked it off. well my whole outside of my ankle and back of it is red and fades out into splochy red about 8 inch all the sting sight. but mostly on the out side ankle. it is swollen, hurts, red and itchy. Ive taken Benadryl and used gold bond lotion for ice... none of it helps.
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