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dry red sore itchy bumpy under eye skin

Last year I suddenly developed dry skin on the left eyelid and was prescibed hydrocortisone.  Unfortunately it spreaded to the right eyelid the to the bottom of both eyes.  The hydrocrtisone did not work, instead peeled away a little skin.  I continued wearing make up (mac) as my dark circles are very bad.
I went to see an optician who thought it was bletharitis, but I don't think it was.  And I had an allergy test (machine tested me on 3000 products).  I was told that I was allergic to lanolin (sheep wool fat),dust, basil and squid.  I was also told that my boots sensitive mascara did not agree with me.  I am not aware of ever having used lanolin.  I stopped wearing eye make up and only used vaseline around the eyes.
Approx. 2 months later it suddenly vanished, not sure how?  I had put up with the problem for 11 months, gradually becoming worse.
And now after 2 months of it having gone away, it has returned again. This time it happened much quicker, starting on the right lower eye, then moved to the left.  The right under eye is very red, sore and dry.  It feels so rough to touch.  I have not worn make up today and have only applied vaseline and aqeous cream.

I haven't changed any toileteries or make up in the last 2 months.  I am not sure what it could be?  I don't think it is eczema, but believe it could be an allergic reaction to something.  I can't seem to work out what it could be?  Could it be an allergic reaction to something i am using around the eye or a food product?  Please help me.

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Thank you ladies for making me not feel so alone. I developed the same eye problem just two days ago. Without makeup on I look like an old woman. I am 53 and have always had great skin!
I am going to try some of the ideas shared. Will post when I have some results.
Thank you all!
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I too have been dealing with this issue but it only happens when I wear makeup.  The only thing I had changed was mascara, so I threw it out & change, well it is still happening each time I wear makeup, it is like it burns my skin under my eyes, I have tried lots of creams nothing really works to keep it from happening again...I also look really old when this happens, it swells with welts& once they go down I look so old & wrinkled.  I have no idea what to do.  I think I will try the oil of oregano & see if it helps.  Good luck to us all
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Deedee, I'm wondering if you found any relief. Reading your post, you describe ME and my issues, exactly. Did you find anything that worked for you?
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The "Mother" is a marketing name that Bragg's uses on their apple cider vinegar (as in "the Mother of all vinegars").
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Coming back with a short update.  I haven't been totally consistent with the manuka honey at night, so maybe that's why the inflammation came back with a vengeance this morning.  I am going to try the ACV and go out and get shea butter tomorrow and see how that works.  Thanks, glycerin137, for your post!
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After two nights of using manuka honey on the skin under my eyes and on the sides of my eyes (with gauze over them) and a couple of times during those two days, my eyes are pretty much cleared up of any redness and bumps. :)
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