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eyelin swleling once a month

My eyelid swells up for a whole day every month. It happens only once a month and graduallt it comes back to normal size. What is the cause for this illness ?
Best Answer
1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi sreejit and welcome to the forum.

There's a possibility you are reaching a threshold for tolerance regarding a specific
substance or substances. Milk (dairy) is suspect in many similar cases.
Please do Dr.Coca's Pulse test- Public Domain ,free download- to self test for allergies,
reactions and sensitivities to foods or drinks ingested.
For immediate relief apply warm used teabag on swollen eyelid.
Also applying Organic Virgin coconut oil (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic) at the first sign of swelling will reduce the duration.
It will mix with the healthy bacteria on your eyelid and offer healing qualities.
Also can be used for prevention internally and externally.
Please do your own research or check with your health care professional,
before making any decisions regarding your health.

Post again to give update or if you have any questions.
Hope this helps.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, swollen eyelids or face is a sign of kidney disorder. The renal disease (kidney) like nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, and renal failure can cause such symptoms. You need to undergo urine analysis, renal function tests and radio imaging of the kidneys to rule out the cause and should be treated promptly to prevent further complications. Allergy can be another possibility.

We cannot rule out the exact cause without examination. If infection suspected, you need cleaning of eyes and antibiotic drops in eye with oral antibiotic treatment against prescription. Allergic conjunctivitis needs antihistamines and also corticosteroids in severe cases.  

I suggest you to consult ophthalmologist/physician for further evaluation without delay. Take care and regards.  
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