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face and arms turned red and became hot

My son was at lunch today and said he ate what he normally eats but started to turn deep red on his face and arms and he got really hot.  I'm wondering if this could be an allergy or something else.
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563773 tn?1374246539


It looks like an allergic reaction to any of the foods that he was eating.Just check out the foods that he was eating and get him allergy tested for that.

Skin tests are used for this purpose. This test involves pricking, scratching or injecting food extracts into the patient’s skin. The skin will react with redness and swelling for those extracts capable of eliciting an allergic reaction when consumed.Other tests used are blood tests like RAST and food challenge tests.

Treatment is complete exclusion of the products containing the ingredient from your diet and antihistaminics and steroids.So pls consult an allergy specialist and get your allergy tests done.

Hope it helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how your son is doing.

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I just took some sips of a margarita (something I've had before) and all of a sudden I got incredibly hot- not just warm but almost like a really hot sauna hot and my arms were burning red.  Obviously this was a reaction to the margarita but why now?  Why so instant?  Should I worry?
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